Participate in Council Meetings
The Common Council generally holds meetings twice a month on Tuesdays, starting at 6:30 pm. Please check the Common Council meeting schedule for exact dates and times.
Watch Online
All Common Council meetings are livestreamed on Madison City Channel.
Attend In Person
You can attend meetings in person at:
City-County Building
210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Room 201
Madison, WI 53703
Get Directions(link is external)
Register for Public Comment
If you want to speak at a meeting or register your position on an agenda item, you must register for public comment.
When you register, we will send you an email with the information you will need to join the meeting. You can participate in person or virtually.
Provide Comments before a Meeting
If you are unable to attend the Common Council meeting, there are a variety of ways to express your views on legislation. Please provide your comments by 12:00 pm the day of the Common Council meeting. After that time, Council staff cannot guarantee that your comments will be provided to the Common Council before the start of the meeting.
- Email or call your alder: Find your alder.
- Contact the Common Council Office by filling out the online contact form.
- Call the Common Council Office at (608) 266-4071 to leave a message for the entire Common Council. Council staff will compile and forward messages to the Common Council members.
- Provide written comments. Send comments by email to AllAlders@cityofmadison.com or on paper. If you are sending comments on paper, please provide 20 copies to:
- Common Council Office
210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Room 505
Madison, WI 53703
- Common Council Office
Lobbying or Representing an Organization?
Lobbyists are required to register with the City Clerk’s Office. For more information, please visit the Lobbyist page or contact the Clerk’s Office. When registering for public comment, you will be asked to declare whether you are providing comment as an individual or on behalf of an organization.