Consider these points when planning your swimming pool installation project:
- A swimming pool must be a minimum of three (3) feet away from your house or other structures on your property.
- A pool should be at least three (3) feet from the rear or side lot lines of your property.
- A pool in the rear forty (40) feet of your lot will most likely meet zoning requirements in your neighborhood.
- A pool located along the side of your house requires a setback greater than three (3) feet from the side lot line. Check with Zoning staff for this setback distance.
If your lot is on a corner or is irregularly shaped, the setbacks may be different than described. Zoning staff can review your site plan to help you determine where you can install your pool.
- In-ground pools must be enclosed by a fence that is at least four (4) feet high. A pool fence must also have a gate with a lock.
- Above-ground pools do not need to be enclosed by a fence. However, access to an above ground pool must be controlled. A removable ladder is an easy way to meet this requirement.
With these rules in mind, draw your entire property with the location of the addition. This drawing is your site plan.
The site plan drawing must show:
- All existing and proposed structures.
- The dimensions of the lot, the shed, the house, and any other structures.
- The distances from the shed to the lot lines and the distances to all other structures.
Draw your site plan to scale. Make sure you use an accepted scale.
For lakefront properties, a survey prepared by a registered land surveyor is required. The survey must show existing setbacks to the Ordinary High Water Mark of buildings on adjacent lots.
Schedule an appointment with Zoning to review your site plan. If you skip this step and your site plan is not acceptable, it may add weeks to your permit processing time.