1. Building Inspection Counter Appointments

    Building Inspection plan review and zoning review counters will be open to the public by appointment only.

Demolition Listserv

Notification of Interested Parties 

Demolitions of principal structures are required to receive a historic value review from the Landmarks Commission. Principal structures include most single-family residences, multi-family buildings and commercial structures. Accessory structures like residential garages and sheds may be approved without a Landmarks Commission historic value review, unless they are located in a local historic district.

If the Landmarks Commission determines that the building does not have historic value, the demolition can be reviewed and approved administratively by City agencies.

If the Landmarks Commission determines that the building has historic value, the demolition must be reviewed and approved by the Plan Commission, as well as by City agencies.

You also need approval to remove or move a principal building from its current property. For more information, please see Madison General Ordinance 28.185.

Prior to submitting documents and the form for a Landmarks Commission historic value review for a proposed demolition, the applicant or their agent is required to notify a list of interested persons registered with the City using the form on the following page.

Please describe the type of structure and provide its City address and contact information for interested parties to reach you at to discuss your proposal. A field is included on the form to provide additional information about your demolition permit, though it is not mandatory. Once you have completed the form, please hit “submit”. Your message will be reviewed by City staff, and if properly completed, will be submitted to the registered list. You will receive an e-mail confirming the status of your submittal from City staff within three business days.

If you have questions about pre-application notification requirements, do not hesitate to contact Plannin staff at (608) 266-4635.


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