Building Inspection Counter Appointments
Building Inspection plan review and zoning review counters will be open to the public by appointment only.
Urban Design Approvals
In consultation with Public Health of Madison and Dane County, the Madison Municipal Building reopened to the public on July 6, 2021. Many Planning Division employees are continuing to work remotely part-time, continuing to provide customer service in virtual meetings, and will be available for in-person meetings by appointment only. For general Planning assistance, or to find out the best contact for making an appointment, please call (608) 266-4635.
Please view all impacts to City services on the City’s COVID-19 website.
While we are currently working to update the information on this page as well as the corresponding application form, in the meantime, please make sure to review the overview of the revised submittal process and requirements for UDC Applications noted on the Planning Division’s Development webpage.
The City of Madison is a community of unique natural and architectural beauty. To ensure that buildings and landscaping enhance this beauty, the City creates special districts in which it can guide the design and appearance of the structures and land (City Ordinance Sec. 33.24).
To determine if your property is in an Urban Design District or to find out your property’s zoning designation, please call the Zoning staff at (608) 266-4551. If you want to develop property within an Urban Design District, call Kevin Firchow, Principal Planner, at (608) 267-1150 to discuss your development proposal and have a Project Manager assigned.