Building Inspection Counter Appointments
Building Inspection plan review and zoning review counters will be open to the public by appointment only.
In the City of Madison, you must have a license to install signs.
To become licensed:
- Schedule a test on the current city sign ordinance (more under Testing, below).
- At our office, pay the $15 test fee and take the test.
- After passing the test, pay the $125 license fee.
- Submit a filled out Certificate of Insurance.
- Submit a filled-out bond for $10,000. (Sample)
All licenses expire on June 30th. You must pay the $125 fee yearly to renew your license. You can renew your license by check or by making an appointment with the permit counter. The City sign code has more details.
The test to become a licensed sign contractor is 50 questions long. It is an open-book, in-person test. There is a $15.00 fee to take the test.
To schedule a test, email Chrissy Thiele.