1. Building Inspection Counter Appointments

    Building Inspection plan review and zoning review counters will be open to the public by appointment only.

Site Plan Review

The City of Madison uses a Site Plan Review process for reviewing and approving site and building changes. Each City agency provides their own review, but works from a common plan set. The process relies heavily on the applicant-selected project contact communicating with the individual reviewing City agencies. Changes requested by one City agency may affect the review of other agencies, resulting in a requirement for a complete resubmittal.

Our process and forms were designed with input from customers and City staff who provided tips on how to prevent errors and reduce review time. Our process works best if we receive complete, accurate and legible information.

Process Overview

  1. Discuss with City Staff

    If this is your first time, you have a specific submittal-related question or if you have not submitted for Site Plan Review for a while, before you submit your plans and required information, you can discuss your proposal with City staff. See the Site Plan Review Packet, Section G, for staff phone numbers.

    Who to Contact

    Zoning: (608) 266-4551 or zoning@cityofmadison.com.

  2. What to Include

    At a minimum, you need:

    • Site Plan Review Packet materials
    • A complete digital plan set to email to sprapplications@cityofmadison.com
      • Rarely, paper copies of plans are required. If paper copies are required by reviewing agencies, four (4) sets of scaled (1” = 20’) drawings.
    • The required filing fee, mailed or delivered at our downtown office. A dropbox that can accommodate plans no larger than 11" x 17" may be found at the Doty Street entrance to our building.
  3. Prepare Your Plans

    Use the Site Plan Review Packet to be sure you include all the information needed for review of your plans/project. A single digital file should be submitted. Contact the Zoning Office if your file exceeds 20 MB in size, for a digital Dropbox link.

  4. Submit Checklist, Plans, Attachments and Fees

    Email Plans and associated documents to sprapplications@cityofmadison.com. Please do not exceed 20 MB per file.

    Checks, flash drives, and paper forms, and other documents that cannot be submitted digitally and are no larger than 11" x 17" may be placed in the Dropbox outside the Doty Street entrance to our building.

    Where to Go


    Indoor: Open 7:30 - 4:30 Monday through Friday. The dropbox is located in the Building Inspection lobby (215 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Ste 017 – basement level)

    Outdoor: Located at the Doty St door of our building at 215 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd. Madison WI 53703. Please note this dropbox is for the entire building so label the envelope for Building Inspection to avoid delays.


    In-Person Appointment at Zoning Counter
    Madison Municipal Building
    Department of Planning & Community & Economic Development
    215 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd  Suite 017
    Madison, WI 53703
    Open by appointment only. Make an appointment.



    Building Inspection – Zoning

    PO Box 2984

    Madison WI 53701


    After receiving your application and materials AND FEES, a zoning staff person will review your application to see if it’s complete. If it’s not complete, the staff person will explain what other items you need to submit. If it is complete, a zoning staff person will accept the application for review.

    The failure to include the required fee is the most commonly overlooked requirement, and will result in your application being delayed until the fees are paid.

    When determined complete and all fees are paid, the project will be set up for Site Plan Review. A link will be emailed to the project contact person, who is responsible for tracking the status of the agency reviews.

  5. Track Plan Review

    The Site Plan Review Status is a public-facing website, where you can track the progress of the city agencies’ reviews and status of projects.  A direct link to your project has been sent to your project contact.  If an agency requests additional information, submit the materials directly to that agency. If a plan is rejected by an agency, revised plans will need to be resubmitted for a new review by all agencies, and a resubmittal fee is required.

  6. Plan Approval

    Usually the Site Plan Review process takes about 14 or more days, depending on project complexity and agency requirements. It can take longer if an agency requests additional information or if the plans require revision and resubmittal. You will receive an email notification when the plans have been approved. You may also track the status on the Site Plan Review Status website. 

    Your project is deemed 'Completed' when all reviews are listed as approved and all agencies are highlighted in the color green.

    Final approved plan sets are available typically 2-4 weeks after completion of the Site Plan Review process. A digital copy may be requested from the Zoning office.

  7. Proceed to Obtain Building Permits / Commence Work

    Once Site Plan Review is completed, you may obtain building permits to commence work, or proceed with approved work if permits are not required.

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