Building Inspection Counter Appointments
Building Inspection plan review and zoning review counters will be open to the public by appointment only.
Development Review Bodies
A commission is a volunteer body appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Common Council to serve the Council as advisors having the powers specified by the commission charter.
Finance Committee
If a development is seeking city assistance through Tax Incremental Financing (TIF), other funding, or infrastructure projects, they will have to appear before the City’s Board of Estimates. This body determines impacts of financing decisions on the City’s Budget.
Board of Public Works
Seven voting members — one City employee, two alderpeople, three lay citizens, and the Mayor or a designee meet twice a month to advise the Common Council on any matters concerning public lands or structures.
Building and Fire Code Review and Appeals Board
A nine-member board that grants modifications to building and fire codes as listed in Chapters 27-29 and 34 of the Madison General Ordinances. They also rule on request for variances to the State building codes per an agreement with the State of Wisconsin.
Common Council
The Council has final authority on rezoning; including Planned Unit Developments (PUDs), annexation, and subdivision requests.
Community Development Authority (CDA)
As set forth in the State Statutes the CDA acts as an agent of the City to perform, operate and administer the City's housing rehabilitation services.
Landmarks Commission
The Landmarks Commission has final authority on certificates of appropriateness for projects within local historic districts and on projects involving a property with landmark designation. The Commission consists of one registered architect, one historic preservationist, one real estate broker, one alderperson, and three citizen members with an interest in historic preservation. The Commission meets twice a month.
Plan Commission
- Roster
- Meeting and Submission Deadline Dates
- Planning Division
- Department of Planning, Community and Economic Development
The Plan Commission has final authority on conditional use and demolition requests, and is advisory to the Common Council on rezoning, annexation and subdivision requests. The Commission consists of three alderpeople, the Mayor or designee, and five citizen members. It meets roughly twice a month.
Privilege in Streets Committee
This committee, composed of City staff members representing the City Attorney, Risk Manager, Building Inspection Division, Economic Development Division, Planning Division, Traffic Engineering, and Engineering Division, meets as often as needed to review applications for privileges in streets for encroachments beyond the lot line or within public rights-of-way and other public land.
Urban Design Commission (UDC)
The UDC has final authority on requests in Urban Design Districts, on all Public Buildings to be built or expanded within the City, and on such signage-related items such as Comprehensive Design Reviews, Signage Variances and Signage Exceptions. It is advisory to the Plan Commission in a number of situations, such as on PDs (Planned Developments), Projects in the Downtown Core (DC) and Urban Mixed-Use (UMX) zoning districts; and Residential Building Complexes. They meet roughly twice a month.
Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA)
This five member body hears requests for variances or relief from specific requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The Board also serves as an appeals body for decisions made by the Zoning Administrator during the enforcement of the ordinance. Many requests before the Board involve improvements to individual properties that require discussion with adjacent neighbors and, occasionally, with a neighborhood association.