City of Madison and Dane County Consolidated Plan
The City of Madison enjoys the benefits we receive from funding provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), from the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) to HOME and Emergency Solutions (ESG) programs.
In 2023, the City used approximately $10 million in federal funding to support initiatives centered around affordable housing, neighborhood centers, support for new small businesses, job creation, and efforts undertaken by a local service network to reduce homelessness in our community. These federal funds are often paired with City and State funds to maximize their impact. Here’s a snapshot of what we accomplished with these funds in 2023:
- We used $366,000 of federal funds, along with nearly $1 million in City funds, to support a network of 15 neighborhood centers. These dollars went towards center operations which, together, supported nearly 32,000 unique residents last year.
- We invested more than $7.1 million in federal funds and $4.2 million in City funds to construct or rehabilitate more than 830 units of affordable housing.
- We invested $1.4 million in federal funds to help more than 150 homeowners make repairs needed to ensure their homes remain safe and healthy places to live.
- We combined $1.8 million of federal funds with $140,000 of State funds to provide financial assistance to 44 families that enabled them buy their first homes.
- We combined $238,000 of federal funds, $2.1 million of City funds and $740,000 of State funds to support a network of local service providers that helped more than 2,800 individuals who were experiencing homelessness and housing instability.
- We invested nearly $365,000 in federal funds to help create or grow more than 1,400 small businesses in Madison.
This gives a glimpse of how we have used these resources in recent years, but now it is time for us to look forward to the next 5 years. We must create a 5-year road map, what we call a Consolidated Plan, that describes how we will use these funds from 2025-29.
The City of Madison and Dane County released a survey in May 2024 in English, Spanish, Chinese, and Hmong. The survey closed on June 9th and over 1000 people participated in the survey! The survey is one of several ways we hope to get the community's input on how to spend our funding in the next five years.
PowerPoint highlighting survey results
Draft 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan
Draft 2025-2029 Community Development Block Grant Unit- Consolidated Plan
Thursday, February 6, 2025, 5:30 PM
Madison Municipal Building, Room 215
215 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
The City of Madison Community Development Division (CDD) and CDBG Committee invites you to provide feedback on the draft CDD 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan. The Consolidated Plan is used to identify and set funding priorities for the community development programs over the next five years.
Copies of the draft plans are available at the link above or by contacting the Community Development Division at cdd@cityofmadison.com or 608-266-6520 to request a copy.
Comments may be made at the public hearing scheduled for February 6, 2025, or submitted to the CDD Office in writing via mail – Community Development Division, PO Box 2627, Madison, WI 53701 or email – cdd@cityofmadison.com. Comments will be accepted until February 28, 2025.
If you need special accommodations such as a translator or sign language interpreter, please call the Community Development Division at 608-266-6520 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting so that we may make the arrangements for your participation.