Resources for the Madison Community
Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.
Website Requests
Project pages are our most important tools to keep our community informed about the latest information about a particular project. The City's Projects website is one of the top-clicked pages on the City of Madison's website, where people look to be informed about projects in their communities. It is imperative you keep these updated throughout your project. Any updates should be emailed to ENGWeb@cityofmadison.com.
Small Page Update Process
This small update is just a chunk of information on a current page. These updates can be sent with a simple email, no form needed. Just include the following for what you need in the email body:
Example email of a small update to your page:
Hi ENG Web,
Project page update for (PROJECT NAME).
Include full project page link.
Include HEADING + COPY you want to fully replace as a whole.
New Project Page Request Process
When you need a new project page created, please fill out the form for your specific section.
Request Forms
Facilities Management Webpage Request Form
Streets and Sewer Webpage Request Form
Any other sections can use one of these forms and edit to your needs. All forms should be emailed to ENGWeb@cityofmadison.com
Facilities Management webpage forms and updates should be emailed to Laura Amundson, lamundson@cityofmadison.com.
When using these pages as promotion, please review your URL link. If you want a project page URL link shortened, then, please email Hannah Mohelnitzky, hmohelnitzky@cityofmadison.com what you'd prefer as a shorter link.