1. Resources for the Madison Community

    Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.


Equitable Purchasing Directories

Use this resource to fulfill Purchasing requirements when you are soliciting bids. Of the three (3) required bids; at least one (1) must be from one of these directories.

Local Vendor Registry

Use this resource in order to fulfill Purchasing requirements when you are soliciting bids. Of the three (3) required bids; at least one (1) must be a registered local vendor. 

Non-Competitive Selection Request Form (NCS)

If you cannot get 3 bids, use this form to request approval for a Non-Competitive Selection.

City Letter of Credit

Send this link to a vendor in lieu of filling out a credit application. The City does not fill out credit applications.

Tax Information (including WI Tax Exempt form)

This link contains the City’s tax numbers as well as a downloadable version of the sales/use tax exemption form that you can send to vendors.

New Vendor Setup

Send these three forms to new vendors so we can set them up as a vendor in order to issue Purchase Orders and payments:

  1. Vendor Letter
  2. Form W-9
  3. Direct Deposit
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