1. Resources for the Madison Community

    Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.

Wanda Fullmore Internship

Since the program's inception in 2014, and as of 2023, the City of Madison’s Wanda Fullmore Youth Internship Program served over 270 youth.

Program History

The program’s namesake, Wanda Fullmore, grew up in Madison and spent her career as an employee in the Mayor’s Office. In the first eight years of the City of Madison’s Wanda Fullmore Internship program, over 225 Madison youth have been in the program, and have worked with City agencies as well as three community based organizations. Partnerships are key Wanda Fullmore youth interns do more than work for eight weeks. They receive mentoring support from collaborating agency Common Wealth Development staff, complete professional development sessions, and are coached based on feedback communicated from City staff to Common Wealth mentors. This program is a unique opportunity for Madison youth to form valuable connections, gain exposure to different career paths, boost their résumés, and represent the voice of Madison youth.

How the Program Works

The Community Development Division leads the program which all City Departments are encouraged to host a high school age intern with the Wanda Fullmore Youth Internship Program. 

The goals of this program:

  • Provide high school age youth on the job experience.
  • Exposure to the world of work, career awareness through placement in a City Department.
  • Youth involvement in city department project work.
  • Support from a non-profit intermediary.

Benefits to City Departments include:

  • Positive public relations and connections with youth from the broader community.
  • Energy and new ideas from youth perspectives.
  • Work on special projects.
  • Opportunities for learning through teaching, and an ability to invest in our community’s goals to address disparities in employment and educational success.

For key dates for the program, view the 2023 WFYIP Calendar.

Program contact: Hugh Wing, Community Development Division – Community Development Specialist at 608 266-6245 or hwing@cityofmadison.com.

For Supervisors: Wanda Fullmore Program Structure

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