Resources for the Madison Community
Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.
Pay, Benefits, Perks
- City Payroll Homepage
This page contains a plethora of topics and information regarding payroll, benefits and compensation that is available to a City of Madison Employee. This is the initial go-to page to begin answering any questions an employee may have or point them in the right direction regarding anything salary/benefit/compensation related.
- Compensation
Information about moving up the City of Madison employee ladder in terms of job class, comp group, when to expect raises, including but not limited to: salary schedules and longevity pay schedule.
- Classification
Employees wondering if their job tasks and performance may qualify for a re-classification level bump up, this page outlines the review process used in consideration of a re-class.
- Salary Schedules
Under the compensation umbrella, this page lists the tables of each comp group and what each position salary step looks like broken down.
- Longevity
Also under the compensation umbrella, employees can use this table when they want to know when their next Longevity raise will happen and how much it will be.
- Reclassification Process
Employees wondering if their job tasks and performance may qualify for a re-classification level bump up, this page outlines the review process used in consideration of a re-class.
- Labor Relations Resources
This section offers a wide variety of information on potential employee disruptions within the job environment, i.e., trauma, drugs testing, discipline, grievance process, etc., as well as a variety of policies and procedures.
- Grievance Process
Under the Labor Relations umbrella is the grievance process. This page outlines how to file a grievance and the complete process involved once filed.
- Family and Medical Leave
Contains all the forms needed as well as information if an employee needs extended personal time off for medical or military reasons.
- Benefits
This is a section that covers every benefit available to City employees and includes everything listed above as well as a few extra how-to’s on finding miscellaneous information.