1. Resources for the Madison Community

    Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.

TCL Dates and Membership

TeamCity Change Leadership Meeting Dates and Membership

2021 Key Meeting DatesTCL will always be on zoom in 2021
TCLMondayJanuary 11, 20219:00 a.m.zoom
TCLMondayFebruary 8, 20218:30 a.m.zoom
TCLMondayMarch 8, 20218:30 a.m.zoom
TCLMondayApril 12, 20218:30 a.m.zoom
TCLMondayMay 10, 20218:30 a.m.zoom
TCLMondayJune 7, 20218:30 a.m.zoom
TCLMondayJuly 12, 20218:30 a.m.zoom
TCLMondayAugust 9, 20218:30 a.m.zoom
TCLMondaySeptember 13, 20218:30 a.m.zoom
TCLMondayOctober 11, 20218:30 a.m.zoom
TCLMondayDecember 13, 20218:30 a.m.zoom
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