City Logo


The City of Madison Logo is a symbol of authority and jurisdiction of the City. A consistent and professional style will give a distinct direction and focus to City communications. This consistent style will give credibility to City documents, help residents and visitors to feel secure when using City services, and provide a smooth and accessible user experience.

Misuse of the City logo may result in mistrust of the offending communication, and will weaken the City logo as a representation of a strong and cohesive City government.


  1. The City of Madison logo must be visible on all printed, posted, digital, and online communications and materials created by the City of Madison, Wisconsin.
  2. The City logo may not be used for non-city communications or materials without the written approval of the City of Madison Mayor's Office.

See APM 3-18 Use of City of Madison Logo for guidelines and restrictions.

City Logo Style Guide

Clear Zone

The logo must always have an area of open space between the logo and any other graphic elements, including folds or page edges. This open space (the Clear Zone) must be a minimum of 20% of the width of the logo.

Logo with clear space indicated

Minimum Size

The logo must be used at a size of .5 in (36 px) or larger. The only exception to this rule is the City of Madison web favicon.

Logo at minimum size of .5 inch


The font used is Neuzeit Grotesk (NeuzeitGro), Bold. Do not alter the font or text in any way. Agency logos have already been created for your use.

Incorrect Uses

Do not stretch, skew, tilt, rotate or otherwise distort the logo.

Do not change the text or fonts in the logo.

Do not add or remove elements from the logo.

Do not remove the text from the logo in any application except the wordmark.

Do not use images or shapes in the background of the logo. Use solid colors only.

Do not place the logo on a photo or other color background without sufficient contrast.

Do not change the color of reversed version of the logo to use it on a light background.

Do not place the logo in a box, outline or other containing shape.

Do not pair agency logos (or any other shapes or symbols) with the wordmark.

City of Madison Logos

These files include agency sub-brands of the City of Madison logo. Any use of these logo files must follow all guidelines set in the City Logo Style Guide.

City of MadisonBlackBlackBlueBlueWhiteWhite
Building InspectionBlackBlackBlueBlueWhiteWhite
Civil RightsBlackBlackBlueBlueWhiteWhite
Common CouncilBlackBlackBlueBlueWhiteWhite
Community DevelopmentBlackBlackBlueBlueWhiteWhite
Economic DevelopmentBlackBlackBlueBlueWhiteWhite
Employee Assistance ProgramBlackBlackBlueBlueWhiteWhite
Human ResourcesBlackBlackBlueBlueWhiteWhite
Independent Police MonitorBlackBlackBlueBlueWhiteWhite
Information TechnologyBlackBlackBlueBlueWhiteWhite
Mayor's OfficeBlackBlackBlueBlueWhiteWhite
Municipal CourtBlackBlackBlueBlueWhiteWhite
Streets & ForestryBlackBlackBlueBlueWhiteWhite
Traffic EngineeringBlackBlackBlueBlueWhiteWhite


The City of Madison Wordmark should be used as a secondary mark.

These files include marks that pair the wordmark with the City logo. These are the only acceptable pairings, and agency logos may not be used with the wordmark. Any use of these logo files must follow all guidelines set in the City Logo Style Guide.

Wordmark & Logo Paired MarkBlackBlackBlueBlueWhiteWhite
Wordmark & Logo Paired Mark – VerticalBlackBlackBlueBlueWhiteWhite
Wordmark with "Wisconsin"BlackBlackBlueBlueWhiteWhite

Other Logos

These logos are not affiliated with the City of Madison logo, and may have their own style guide. Contact the agency for more information.

Madison Public LibraryBlackBlackColorColorWhiteWhite
Metro TransitDark GrayDark GrayBlueBlueWhiteWhite
Metro Transit – HorizontalDark GrayDark GrayBlueBlueWhiteWhite
Metro Transit – StackedDark GrayDark GrayBlueBlueWhiteWhite
Monona Terrace--ColorColor--
Water Utility--ColorColor--
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