Blair Street South
Project Details
Project Information
Latest Update
7/7/2023 Update:
All lanes in the project area are officially open. This month, the project team will continue to complete final restoration, pavement marking and signing.Please be aware that the temporary signals at the intersection of Blair Street and E. Washington Avenue will remain as the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project completes its work at this intersection. The BRT project is completely separate from the Blair Street South project. Information about that project can be found here:
Project Overview
Blair Street is scheduled for reconstruction from John Nolen Dr to E Washington in 2022, and the project will also include pavement replacement work on E. Washington Ave. in 2023. The City of Madison is working jointly with the State Department of Transportation on design and construction of the project. The project will include safety improvements at the Wilson St/Williamson St intersection as well as pavement replacement of Blair St from Wilson/Williamson to E Washington and E Washington from Blair St to Blount St. The project will also include replacement of the sanitary sewer within the project limits, and new pedestrian scale lighting on S. Blair St. is also proposed as part of the project. The project plans also include installation of conduits for a possible future signal at the intersection of Main & Blair, and the design was coordinated with the Wilson Street Corridor Study to include a path crossing of John Nolen Dr.
View updated plan as a larger map

Project Limits
S. Blair St. from John Nolen Dr. to E. Washington Ave.
E. Washington Ave. from Blair St. to Blount St.
Project includes reconstruction of Blair/Williamson/Wilson/John Nolen intersection
Project Schedule
Construction is scheduled for 2022 on Blair St. and 2023 on E. Washington Ave.
Public Involvement
There are a number of points of contact during this project where the public is encouraged to give feedback as part of public information meetings and public hearings. Dates and times are indicated below:
Public Information Meetings
Follow the Blair Street South Construction Facebook page
A public information meeting was held Nov. 4, 2019, Madison Municipal Building Room 153, 215 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, Madison, WI.
Nov. 4, 2019 Public Information Meeting PowerPoint Presentation
Nov. 4, 2019 Public Information Meeting Proposed Design Map
City Meetings, Public Hearings, Approval of Project and Assessments
Board of Public Works: July 7, 2021
Common Council: July 20, 2021
Board of Public Works Public Hearing: Cover Letter, Notice, Assessments
Common Council Public Hearing: Notice
Adopted Resolution Mailing: Finance Letter, Resolution