Hawks Landing Flood Mitigation
Project Details
Project Information
Latest Update
8/28/2023 Update:
The pond construction is substantially completed with minor work remaining for the restoration of the turf and minor street repairs. The project will be under warranty until summer of 2024.
Project Overview
Hawks Landing is a residential development located on the far west side of Madison at the northwest quadrant of South Pleasant View Road (CTH ‘M’) and Midtown Road. Construction of the development began in 2001. The development includes approximately 300 homes and an 18-hole golf course, the Hawks Landing Golf Club.

View larger map.
Hawks Landing has six stormwater control ponds, all located within the golf course. Three of these ponds (LBMC North, LBMC SW, and LBMC East Ponds) are located on the west side of the course and drain to Lower Badger Mill Creek (LBMC), and three (UBMC North, UBMC SE, and UBMC SW Ponds) are located on the east side and drain to Upper Badger Mill Creek (UBMC).The west side of the development, as shown in Map 1, experiences drainage problems during large storm events. Lots 169, 170, and 250 experience flooding during events, with the highest water levels and highest flows occurring on Lot 170. In September 2016, the City contracted with MSA Professional Services, Inc. to conduct a drainage study for the western portion of Hawks Landing, the area roughly bounded by Eaglewood Drive on the north, Breezy Trail on the east, Mid Town Road on the south, and Shady Point Drive on the west. Map 2 identifies shows the delineated watersheds and the general flow directions for the study area. Note that, for the purposes of this project, the ponds shown in Map 2 have been assigned alphabetic identifiers:
- LBMC SW Pond (Map 1) = Pond C (Map 2)
- LBMC North Pond (Map 1) = Pond D (Map 2)
- LBMC East Pond (Map 1) = Pond E (Map 2)
Flooding downstream from Pond C is due in part to observed plugging of the pond outlet structure; however, significant additional contributors to flooding are discharges from upstream ponds (Ponds D&E on Map 2) which appear to be much greater than originally planned. In Fall 2018, Hawks Landing Golf course constructed an additional dry detention basin to the east of Pond C to reduce peak inflow into Pond C. Additionally, the City of Madison has contracted with MSA Professional Services, Inc. to design a hydraulically-improved outlet from Pond C. The current elliptical outlet pipe shall be upsized to a 4'x8' concrete box culvert, which will drain Pond C to a newly-constructed drainage ditch south of Shady Point Dr. This new design should alleviate flooding during large events out of Pond C and in the intersection of Hidden Hill Dr and Shady Point Dr. The City intends to post plans for this project for bid in early June. Once they are available, a link will be provided on this website.
In addition to Hidden Hill Dr and Shady Point Dr, flooding occurs in the north part of the neighborhood as well, north of intersection of Hill Creek Dr and Grassy Hollow Dr. This flooding is due in large part to runoff from the undeveloped farm field north of the Hawks Landing neighborhood; the runoff from the field, which is substantial, also contributes to the flooding problems at Pond C and the intersection of Hidden Hill and Shady Point. The City has contracted with MSA Professional Services, Inc. to investigate solutions to this flooding problem. Currently, the City is investigating the purchase of some of the farmland and construction of a swale to drain water from the intersection of Red Tail Dr and Hill Creek Dr.
Public Involvement
There are a number of points of contact during this project where the public is encouraged to give feedback as part of public information meetings and public hearings. Dates and times are indicated below:
Public Information Meetings
A public information meeting was held Feb. 13, 2020 at Olson Elementary School, 801 Redan Dr, Verona, WI.
Feb. 13, 2020 Public Information Meeting PowerPoint Presentation
A public information meeting was held May 28, 2019 at Blackhawk Church.
May 28, 2019 Public Information Meeting PowerPoint Presentation
Public Works Improvement Project
The City of Madison completed construction on the Hawks Landing Flood Mitigation South (2019) project in Spring 2020. This project included the removal of an existing 43”x68” horizontal elliptical reinforced concrete pipe (HERCP) storm sewer between Pond C on the Hawks Landing Golf Course and the corner of Hidden Hill Dr and Shady Point Dr in Madison. The removed pipe was replaced by 4’ rise x 8’ span reinforced concrete box culvert (RCBC), that was routed to a new wingwall and swale that runs parallel to Shady Point Dr in the farm field between Shady Point Dr and Midtown Rd. Additional work included the replacement of the Pond C outlet structure, removal and replacement of two inlets and a reinforced concrete pipe that crosses Shady Point Dr, realignment of storm sewer and other utilities within the intersection of Hidden Hill Dr and Shady Point Dr, patching of the affected street, and restoration of all disturbed areas. This work was designed to reduce flooding in the southwest corner of the Hawks Landing neighborhood. The project bid package can be found here: Hawks Landing Flood Mitigation South Construction Package.
An engineering solution for the flooding north of Hill Creek Dr, as described in the "Project Overview" section, is currently being designed by MSA Professional Services. Implementing the solution will require the acquisition of farmland north of and parallel to Hill Creek Dr. The City has reached out to the current owner of the property to discuss a sale, and has elected to move forward with drafting a relocation order for the area needed for the proposed retention pond. Additional easements will be required for storm sewer to convey water from the Hawks Landing development to the new pond. The City of Madison 2021 Capital Budget, approved 11/11/20, has funds for both property acquisition and construction of the North Hawks Landing Flood Mitigation project in 2021.