Hudson, Miller, Willard, Center, Sommers Reconstruction

July 16, 2024 Update

Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the project are complete.

Due to long manufacturer lead times on the equipment, City Traffic Engineering will install the Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) for pedestrians on the west side of Atwood Avenue at Miller Avenue in the spring of 2025.

View past project updates »

Project Details

  • Location

    • 2713 Center Avenue
      Madison, WI 53704
  • Project Type

  • Status

  • Estimated Schedule

  • Impact

  • Alder District

    District 15
  • Contract Number

Project Information

Project Overview

The City is planning to reconstruct Hudson Ave (Oakridge Ave to Atwood Ave), Miller Ave (Willard Ave to Atwood Ave), Willard Ave (Ohio Ave to Elmside Blvd), Center Ave (Hudson Ave to Miller Ave), and Sommers Ave (Hudson Ave to Miller Ave).

The project includes the replacement of sanitary sewer and laterals, storm sewer main and laterals, curb and gutter, asphalt pavement, and construction of a continuous sidewalk through Miller Avenue at Atwood Avenue. The sidewalk within the project limits will be spot replaced as needed. The intersection of Hudson Avenue and Atwood Avenue was removed from the scope of the project and added to Phase 2 of the neighborhood construction project to allow City Traffic Engineering time to review and consider replacing the traffic signal. A continuous sidewalk through Hudson at Atwood Avenue will be reviewed during the Phase 2 of the design phase.

The City will install a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) for pedestrians on the west side of Atwood Avenue at Miller Avenue after completion of the construction project.

The City will not propose narrowing the length of Hudson Avenue and Miller Avenue due to the consensus feedback the City received from residents to maintain parking on both sides of Hudson Avenue and Miller Avenue. The City will replace all of the pavement, gravel base, curb and gutter, replace concrete terrace walks (concrete walk between curb and sidewalk), spot replace sidewalk as needed, and replace driveway aprons. The proposed Hudson Avenue street width will be 28 ft. (same as existing) and Miller Avenue will be 28 ft. (same as existing) from face of curb to face of curb with parking on both sides. The City will narrow Miller Avenue along a portion of 2730 Center Avenue, 2730 Sommers Avenue and all of 2733 Atwood Avenue to 26 ft. to reduce damage to tree roots growing over the existing curb and gutter and restrict parking to one side. The proposed Willard Avenue width will be 24 ft. (same as existing) from face of curb to face of curb and parking will remain on one side of the street. The proposed width for most of Center Avenue will be 26 ft. from face of curb to face of curb, and parking will remain on one side of the street. Center Avenue will then be widened slightly along 2702 Center Avenue and 2706 Center Avenue to 28 ft. (same as existing) with parking still on one side. The additional width is necessary for fire access adjacent to the 3 unit building at 2706 Center Avenue. The proposed Sommers Avenue width will be 26 ft. (same as existing) from face of curb to face of curb and parking will remain on one side of the street.

Project Overview Exhibit.

Project Limits

  • Hudson Ave – Oakridge Ave. to Atwood Ave.
  • Miller Ave – Willard Ave. to Atwood Ave.
  • Willard Ave – Ohio Ave. to Elmside Blvd.
  • Center Ave – Hudson Ave. to Miller Ave.
  • Sommers Ave -- Hudson Ave. to Miler Ave.

Project Schedule

Design: Winter/Spring 2022/2023

Bids Advertised: Spring 2023

Construction: Summer – Fall 2023; Spring - Summer 2024

Public Involvement

There are a number of points of contact during this project where the public is encouraged to give feedback as part of public information meetings and public hearings. Dates, times and locations are indicated below:

Public Information Meetings

Jan. 26, 2023 Public Information Meeting Recording 

Jan. 26, 2023 Public Information Meeting PowerPoint Presentation

A letter will also be mailed out residents in the neighborhood informing them about the meeting and directing them to the website to register. Meeting topics include project limits, street design, utility installation, construction timeline, street assessments. Residents will have the opportunity to ask questions.

City Meetings, Process

Board of Public Works: Feb. 22, 2023
Common Council: Feb. 28, 2023


Board of Public Works Hearing: Letter, Notice, and Fact and Detail Sheet; Schedule of Assessments
Common Council Hearing: Notice
Adopted Resolution Mailing: Cover Letter, Finance Letter, Resolution
Start Construction and Terrace Area Restoration


Hudson, Miller, Willard, Center, Sommers Reconstruction Survey is now closed. Thank you for completing the survey.

Project Updates

Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the project are complete.

Due to long manufacturer lead times on the equipment, City Traffic Engineering will install the Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) for pedestrians on the west side of Atwood Avenue at Miller Avenue in the spring of 2025.

Phase 2 construction is moving toward the final stages. The contractor is planning to complete the final asphalt layer for Phase 1 on June 22. The lower and upper layer of asphalt pavement is scheduled for the week of June 24 within Phase 2. Parking will be restricted for the remainder of June/early July within Phase 1 and 2 until the contractor completes final asphalt and pavement marking in both phases.

If weather impacts any Phase 1 asphalt paving on June 22, the asphalt will be placed the week of June 24. If weather impacts any Phase 2 asphalt paving the week of June 24, the asphalt will be placed July 1, 2, or 3.

Construction within phase 1 and 2 is anticipated to be complete in early July.

Any cracked concrete items from Phase 1 and Phase 2 will be repaired after the project is complete as part of the City warranty policy.

MG&E has completed their work within phase 2. 

Phase 2 construction is moving toward the final stages. The first layer of asphalt pavement is scheduled for the week of June 17 within Phase 2. The contractor is planning to complete the final asphalt layer for Phase 1 and Phase 2 the week of June 17 as well, likely end of the week with Saturday as an option. Parking will be restricted for the remainder of June within Phase 1 and 2 until the contractor completes final asphalt and pavement marking in both phases.

If weather impacts any asphalt paving the week of June 17, the asphalt will be placed the week of June 24.

Any cracked concrete items from Phase 1 will be repaired after the project is complete as part of the City warranty policy.

MG&E has completed their work within phase 2. 

The contractor has completed concrete work along Willard Avenue and Hudson Avenue from Oakridge Avenue to Center Avenue. In the coming weeks, the contractor will grade and place gravel, concrete curb, sidewalk, and driveways on Hudson Avenue from Center Avenue to Atwood Avenue as well as Sommers Avenue.  

The underground sanitary sewer and storm sewer work is complete.

MG&E continues with gas main work within phase 2. MG&E's work is anticipated to be complete in June 2024.

The contractor is grading Hudson from Oakridge to Center and Willard from Hudson to Ohio. In the weeks ahead, the contractor will place sidewalk and curb & gutter along those blocks.

The contractor is installing sanitary sewer main and sanitary laterals on Hudson from Atwood to Center. In the weeks ahead, the contractor will also install storm sewer along those blocks. In June, the contractor will grade the streets in preparation for placement of sidewalk and curb & gutter.

MG&E continues with gas main work within phase 2. MG&E's work is anticipated to be complete by the end of May 2024.

MG&E continues with gas main work within phase 2. MG&E's work is anticipated to be complete by early May 2024. 

R.G. Huston is planning to begin construction April 15 on phase 2.

There will be long-term limited parking on phase 1 portions (Hudson Avenue to Miller Avenue) of Willard Avenue, Center Avenue, and Sommers Avenue for the duration of phase 2 construction to allow the contractor space to store materials and equipment.

There will also be short-term limited parking on phase 1 along Miller Avenue and Willard Avenue (Elmside Boulevard to Miller Avenue) when the top layer of asphalt is placed in late May or June 2024.

The top layer of asphalt and final pavement marking for phase 1 construction will be placed and coordinated with the final paving in phase 2 in the summer of 2024.

Please review the Construction Facts & Details document: 

Map of construction area

MG&E will begin the gas main work within phase 2 on March 4, 2024. MG&E was planning to remove all the sidewalk along the west side of Hudson Avenue but has changed the construction plan to bore their 8-inch gas main and only remove portions of the sidewalk. The work is expected to take 8 weeks and will overlap with phase 2 of the City street construction project by R.G. Huston. R.G. Huston is planning to begin construction April 1 on phase 2. 

There will be long-term limited parking on phase 1 portions (Hudson Avenue to Miller Avenue) of Willard Avenue, Center Avenue, and Sommers Avenue for the duration of phase 2 construction to allow the contractor space to store materials and equipment.

There will also be short-term limited parking on phase 1 along Miller Avenue and Willard Avenue (Elmside Boulevard to Miller Avenue) when the top layer of asphalt is placed in late May or June 2024.

The top layer of asphalt and final pavement marking for phase 1 construction will be placed and coordinated with the final paving in phase 2 in the summer of 2024.

Please review the Construction Facts & Details document: 

Map of construction area

MG&E will begin the gas main work within phase 2 on March 4, 2024. MG&E was planning to remove all the sidewalk along the west side of Hudson Avenue but has changed the construction plan to bore their 8-inch gas main and only remove portions of the sidewalk. The work is expected to take 8 weeks and will overlap with phase 2 of the City street construction project by R.G. Huston. R.G. Huston is planning to begin construction mid to late March 2024 on phase 2. 

There will be long-term limited parking on phase 1 portions (Hudson Avenue to Miller Avenue) of Willard Avenue, Center Avenue, and Sommers Avenue for the duration of phase 2 construction to allow the contractor space to store materials and equipment.

There will also be short-term limited parking on phase 1 along Miller Avenue and Willard Avenue (Elmside Boulevard to Miller Avenue) when the top layer of asphalt is placed in late May or June 2024.

The top layer of asphalt and final pavement marking for phase 1 construction will be placed and coordinated with the final paving in phase 2 in the summer of 2024.

Please review the Construction Facts & Details document: 

Map of construction area

Phase 1 construction is complete for 2023. The top layer of asphalt and final pavement marking for phase 1 construction will be placed and coordinated with the final paving in phase 2 in the summer of 2024.

Phase 2 construction is scheduled to begin in late March or early April of 2024 and be completed in summer of 2024. Once the contractor determines the start date, it will be posted to the project page.

MGE is planning gas main work on Hudson Avenue from Oakridge Ave to Atwood Ave in March and April. MGE is planning to remove all the sidewalk along the west side of the street to install a new 8-inch main.

Please review the Construction Facts & Details document: 

Map of construction area

Phase 1 construction is complete for 2023. The top layer of asphalt and final pavement marking for phase 1 construction will be placed and coordinated with the final paving in phase 2 in the summer of 2024.

The City will notify residents via the project website and a mailer when phase 2 construction will begin and when phase 1 is scheduled to be completely finished.

MGE's gas work for Phase 1 is complete. MGE is planning gas main work on Hudson Avenue from Oakridge Ave to Atwood Ave in March and April. MGE is planning to remove all the sidewalk along the west side of the street to install a new 8-inch main. MGE's work is anticipated to be 6 weeks.

Please review the Construction Facts & Details document: 

Map of construction area

Construction is in progress and the contractor is on track to finish all work in phase 1 by mid-November. The contractor has completed the sanitary sewer main and lateral work as well as storm sewer installation. The week of Nov. 6, the contractor is grading, placing gravel, concrete (curb & gutter), and asphalt. The week of Nov. 13, the contractor will continue placing concrete for driveways and sidewalk and begin terrace restoration (topsoil & seed). During the concrete work, driveway access will be limited while the concrete dries. The contractor will notify residents ahead of the driveway closures.

MGE's gas work for Phase 1 is complete. MGE will begin gas work for Phase 2 in the winter of 2024. MGE's work is anticipated to be 6 weeks.

Please review the Construction Facts & Details document: 

Map of construction area
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