Knutson Drive Reconstruction

June 17, 2024 Update

The low bidder on the Knutson Drive resurfacing and reconstruction project was Parisi Construction. The next step is for the low bidder to be approved at the June 26 Board of Public Works Meeting and the July 2 Common Council Meeting. 

The Troy Drive/Green Avenue resurfacing project has been separated into it's own project and was not included with the Knutson Drive bid plans. The scope of the resurfacing project has changed to include sanitary sewer work (in the street) along the Mendota Hospital property to relieve an existing sanitary sewer force main in that area.

The design team continues to work with the City Real Estate team to acquire Temporary Limited Easements (TLEs) during construction to allow space for the contractor to build the sidewalk. The TLEs are required for some properties on Knutson Drive between Green Avenue and Westport Road and are temporary for construction. Once construction is complete, the TLEs expire. The City Surveyor completed Right-of-Way and TLE field staking at the end of March as part of the Real Estate process to acquire TLEs.

View past project updates »

Project Details

  • Location

    • 321 Knutson Drive
      Madison, WI 53704
  • Status

    In Design
  • Estimated Schedule

  • Impact

  • Alder District

    District 18
  • Contract Number

Project Information

Project Overview

The City is planning to reconstruct Knutson Drive (Green Avenue to Northport Drive). The project includes a new street design with curb and gutter, sidewalk, and driveway aprons. The asphalt pavement and gravel base will be replaced. The sanitary sewer and water main will remain. The project will add storm sewer and stormwater features for controlling surface water runoff.

The City is planning to resurface Knutson Drive (Heffernan Drive/Beilfuss Drive to Green Avenue). The project includes installing storm sewer from Heffernan Drive to Knutson Drive east of Green Avenue and remove and replace the asphalt pavement. 

The City is planning to resurface Green Avenue (Harper Road to Sauthoff Road). The project includes removing and replacing all of asphalt pavement. The project will also spot replace the curb and gutter and sidewalk. A new sanitary sewer main will be installed along the curve of Troy Drive/Green Avenue to relieve an existing sanitary sewer force main in that area.

Knutson/Troy/Green Project Map

Knutson Drive (Green Avenue to Northport Drive) Improvement Options:

Option #1A: The proposed street width will be 21-feet (11-feet eastbound and 10-feet westbound) from face of curb to face of curb with two 8-foot parking pockets along the street. The first parking pocket is west of Westport Road on the south side of the street and is 60-feet accommodating 4 spaces. The second parking pocket is east of Westport Road on the south of the street 75-feet accommodating 5 spaces.  By keeping the street at the existing width, this layout supports lowering vehicle speeds, which was noted as a priority for the neighborhood in the previous survey and the first public meeting, as well as preserves some of the trees in the right-of-way. This option would result in fewer on-street parking stalls, but previous input from the community identified on-street parking as a lower priority. This option is currently the City staff recommendation.

Knutson Drive Option
Knutson 1A


Option #1B: Knutson Drive from Green Avenue to Westport Drive (21-feet (11-feet eastbound and 10-feet westbound) and Knutson Drive from Westport Drive to Northport Drive (2-11’ lanes vehicle lanes, 2-7’ bicycle lanes, and 5’ sidewalks on both sides). The block between Green Avenue and Westport Drive would have 8’ parking pockets (same as option 1A) with no bicycle lanes and supports lowering speeds and preserving trees in the right-of-way. The block between Westport Drive and Northport Drive would have bike lanes, which are being considered due to higher traffic volumes on this block, but this would require a wider pavement than Option 1A. Curb and gutter would be included with both layouts. 

Knutson Drive, Green Avenue to Westport Drive

Knutson Drive Option
Knutson 1B

Knutson Drive, Westport Drive to Northport Drive

Knutson Drive Option
Knutson Drive Option

Option #2A: Knutson Drive from Green Avenue to Northport Drive (2-11’ vehicle lanes, 2-8’ parking lanes, and 5’ sidewalks on both sides). This layout has wider pavement than Option 1A & 1B, which is more likely to result in higher vehicle speeds, but this option would allow for more on-street parking. This option also removes all trees in the right-of-way. Curb and gutter would be included with the layout.

Knutson Drive Option
Knutson Drive Option

Option #2B: Knutson Drive from Green Avenue to Westport Drive (2-11’ vehicle lanes, 2-8’ parking lanes, and 5’ sidewalks on both sides) and Knutson Drive from Westport Drive to Northport Drive (2-11’ lanes vehicle lanes, 2-7’ bicycle lanes, and 5’ sidewalks on both sides). Similar to 2A, this layout is more likely to result in higher vehicle speeds due to the wider pavement, but provides more on-street parking than Option 1A & 1B, and also has bike facilities between Westport and Northport. This option also removes all trees in the right-of-way. Curb and gutter would be included with both layouts.

Knutson Drive, Green Avenue to Westport Drive

Knutson Drive Option
Knutson Drive Option

Knutson Drive, Westport Drive to Northport

Knutson Drive Option
Knutson Drive Option

Project Limits

Knutson Drive Reconstruction – Green Avenue to Northport Drive

Knutson Drive Resurfacing – Heffernan Drive/Beilfuss Drive to Green Avenue

Troy Drive/Green Avenue Resurfacing – Harper Road to Sauthoff Road

Project Schedule

Knutson Drive

Design: Summer/Fall/Winter 2023 & Winter/Spring 2024

Bids Advertised: May 2024

Construction: Knutson Drive, West of Green Avenue: August 2024 - November 2024; Knutson Drive, East of Green Avenue: Spring 2025 - July 2025. The Contractor may decide to work east of Green Avenue in 2024 but the majority of the work will be in 2025.

Troy Drive/Green Avenue

Design: Summer/Fall/Winter 2023 & Winter/Spring/Summer 2024

Bids Advertised: To be determined

Construction: Troy Drive/Green Avenue (Harper Road to Sauthoff Road): July 2025 - November 2025

Public Involvement

There are a number of points of contact during this project where the public is encouraged to give feedback as part of public information meetings and public hearings. Dates, times and locations are indicated below:

Public Information Meetings 



Public Informational Meeting:  Letter to property owners; Postcard to nearby residents (both mailed Sept. 6, 2023)

Board of Public Works Hearing February 21, 2024: Notice of Meeting, Fact and Details Sheet, Schedule of Assessments

City Process, Meetings

Transportation Commission: Dec. 13, 2023, option 1A recommended

Board of Public Works: February 21, 2024, option 1A approved

Common Council: March 5, 2025, approval pending

Project Updates

The low bidder on the Knutson Drive resurfacing and reconstruction project was Parisi Construction. The next step is for the low bidder to be approved at the June 26 Board of Public Works Meeting and the July 2 Common Council Meeting. 

The Troy Drive/Green Avenue resurfacing project has been separated into it's own project and was not included with the Knutson Drive bid plans. The scope of the resurfacing project has changed to include sanitary sewer work (in the street) along the Mendota Hospital property to relieve an existing sanitary sewer force main in that area.

The design team continues to work with the City Real Estate team to acquire Temporary Limited Easements (TLEs) during construction to allow space for the contractor to build the sidewalk. The TLEs are required for some properties on Knutson Drive between Green Avenue and Westport Road and are temporary for construction. Once construction is complete, the TLEs expire. The City Surveyor completed Right-of-Way and TLE field staking at the end of March as part of the Real Estate process to acquire TLEs.

The final design is complete and the project is currently out for Contractor bidding. The Troy Drive/Green Avenue resurfacing project has been separated into it's own project and was not included with the Knutson Drive bid plans. The scope of the resurfacing project has changed to include sanitary sewer work (in the street) along the Mendota Hospital property to relieve an existing sanitary sewer force main in that area.

The design team continues to work with the City Real Estate team to acquire Temporary Limited Easements (TLEs) during construction to allow space for the contractor to build the sidewalk. The TLEs are required for some properties on Knutson Drive between Green Avenue and Westport Road and are temporary for construction. Once construction is complete, the TLEs expire. The City Surveyor completed Right-of-Way and TLE field staking at the end of March as part of the Real Estate process to acquire TLEs.

The design team is working toward final design and anticipates the project be placed for contractor bids this spring. 

The design team is also working with the City Real Estate team to acquire Temporary Limited Easements (TLEs) during construction to allow space for the contractor to build the sidewalk. The TLEs are required for some properties on Knutson Drive between Green Avenue and Northport Drive and are temporary for construction. Once construction is complete, the TLEs expire. The City Surveyor completed Right-of-Way and TLE field staking at the end of March as part of the Real Estate process to acquire TLEs.

The design team continues with the preliminary design. The assessment information was mailed out and the Board of Public works approved option 1A. The design team has also involved the City Real Estate team to acquire Temporary Limited Easements (TLEs) during construction to allow space for the contractor to build the sidewalk. The TLEs are required for some properties on Knutson Drive between Green Avenue and Northport Drive and are temporary for construction. Once construction is complete, the TLEs expire. The City Real Estate team will be reaching out to properties owners in 2024.

The design team continues with the preliminary design and work on preparing the preliminary schedule of assessments for mailing to residents in early 2024. The design team has also involved the City Real Estate team to acquire Temporary Limited Easements (TLEs) during construction to allow space for the contractor to build the sidewalk. The TLEs are required for some properties on Knutson Drive between Green Avenue and Northport Drive and are temporary for construction. Once construction is complete, the TLEs expire. The City Real Estate team will be reaching out to properties owners early in 2024.


Please review the project overview for Knutson Drive:

The design team presented the project design to the Transportation Commission on Dec. 13, 2023. The Transportation Commission recommend Option 1A with the change to remove 1 of the 3 parking pockets (see overview exhibits) included with option 1A. The design team will continue with the preliminary design and work on preparing the preliminary schedule of assessments for mailing to residents in early 2024.

The design team will attend and present the project design to the Transportation Commission on Dec. 13, 2023. After feedback from the public information meeting on Nov. 29, 2023, the design team will remove 1 of the 3 parking pockets (see overview exhibits) included with option 1A and 1 of the 2 parking pockets (see overview exhibits) included with option 1B as part of the presentation to the Transportation Commission. The design team will seek an option recommendation from the Transportation Commission.


See overview exhibits of each option:


Thank you to everyone who attended the Nov. 29, 2023 Public Information Meeting. The meeting materials are now available: 

A public information meeting has been scheduled for 6:30 p.m., Nov. 29, 2023, via Zoom. Registration prior is required. 
Nov. 29, 2023 Public Information Meeting Registration 

A survey is now available. Please take the survey before 5 p.m., Dec. 7, 2023. 
Knutson Drive Reconstruction- Green Avenue- Northport Drive Survey

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