1. Resources for the Madison Community

    Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.

Monroe Street

Project Details

  • Location

    • 1900 Monroe Street
      Madison, WI
  • Project Type

  • Status

  • Estimated Schedule

  • Impact

  • Alder District

    District 10
    District 13
    District 14

Project Information

Latest Update:  

This project is complete.

Construction Update

Monroe St is scheduled to re-open to two way traffic some time on Wednesday November 21.

Project Update

Design Change – Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) at Edgewood Ave.

Engineering, Traffic Engineering and the MPD Crossing Guard Supervisor for the area have discussed the pedestrian crossing at Edgewood Ave. With the skew of the intersection, the east side of north leg of the intersection aligns with the west side of the south leg of the intersection, and that’s where the existing RRFB was located. However, due to that skew, drivers trying to make the thru movement on Edgewood Ave., crossing Monroe St., have to cross that crosswalk (this is also true for people turning on to Monroe St.), and, since the RRFB is facing Monroe St. traffic, those drivers don’t always have a good visual of the RRFB or of people in that crosswalk. To improve the safety of the school/pedestrian crossing, it has been decided to relocate the RRFB to the crosswalk on the west side of the intersection because vehicles making the thru movement on Edgewood Ave. will not be crossing this crosswalk. RRFB Plan

Project Summary

Monday, February 5, 2018 to Mid-March 2018:

  • MG&E Gas will install underground gas lines between Chapman Street and Woodrow Street.
  • Only one lane of eastbound traffic and one lane of westbound traffic will be maintained at all times—the peak hour traffic lanes will be closed.
  • Metro Transit bus service will be maintained in both eastbound and westbound directions. Some bus stops will need to be relocated or closed at various times. A list of these stops can be found at www.cityofmadison.com/metro/detours/monroestops.cfm
  • Sidewalk on one side of Monroe Street will be maintained at all times.

Mid-March 2018 to Mid-November 2018:

  • City reconstruction contract will take place.
  • Westbound (outbound) traffic lanes will be closed. One eastbound (inbound) traffic lane will remain open at all times from Odana Road and one eastbound lane will remain open from Nakoma Road.
  • Crazylegs Lane will be permanently closed to create a new public space.
  • South Breese Terrace between Regent Street and Monroe Street will be closed during construction.
  • The Southwest Commuter Path will be redirected during some phases of construction but will remain open at all times.
  • Eastbound Metro Transit routes will be maintained with bus stops at Glenway Street, Commonwealth Avenue, Arbor Drive, Leonard Street, and Grant Street. Planned detours and shuttle information can be found at http://www.cityofmadison.com/metro/monroe/
  • At times during the reconstruction project, each cross street will be closed at the intersection with Monroe St. The duration of the closure will vary depending on the type of work taking place. In order to maintain access to the neighborhood, no consecutive intersections should be closed at the same time.

Monroe Street is scheduled to be resurfaced/reconstructed in 2018. The project limits and construction years are as follows:

  • Resurfacing - Odana Rd. to Leonard St.
  • Reconstruction - Leonard St. to Regent St.

The projects will include design consideration for many items including pavement, curb & gutter, sidewalk, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, water main, streetscape items, lighting, signals & green street / water resource considerations etc.

Temporary Street Connection on Woodrow Street

The 2017 Woodrow Street reconstruction project will include widened pavement areas which will allow for more access options during the 2018 Monroe Street reconstruction project. The letter sent to Woodrow Street property owners and residents can be found here: Woodrow St Letter

Reconstruction Survey

The City of Madison held a survey on the importance of various issues (traffic, pedestrian, bicycles, bus transit, stormwater treatment, placemaking, etc). Input received will be considered in the design of the reconstruction. The results can be found here: survey results

Public Meetings / Engagement Process

February 21, 2018 Pre-Construction Public Information Meeting

Overall Plans (without utilities)
Overall Plans (with utilities)

November 8, 2017 Crazylegs Plaza & Wingra Park Entrance: Open House & Mosaic Art Input Session

Wingra Park Entrance
Monroe Street Plaza

September 14, 2017 Presentation of Design Alternatives: Crazylegs Plaza + Wingra Park Entrance

Wingra Park Entrance
Crazylegs Option 1
Crazylegs Option 2

August 16, 2017 Final Corridor Design Presentation and Open House

Agenda, Notes and presentation can be found here:

August 8, 2017 Crazylegs Plaza Redesign Workshop

Agenda, Notes and presentation can be found here:

July 5, 2017 Preliminary Corridor Design Workshop

Notes, agenda, and plans from this meeting can be found here:

June 14, 2017 Green Infrastructure Focus Group #2

Notes and the presentation from this meeting can be found here:

April 27, 2017 Wingra Entrance Workshop

Notes, agenda, and the presentation from this meeting can be found here:

March 29, 2017 Monroe Street Business Roundtable

Notes, agenda, and the presentation from this meeting can be found here:

February 16, 2017 Green Infrastructure Focus Group

Notes and the presentation from this meeting can be found here:

Jan 3, 2017 City Cross Section Approvals

On January 3rd, the City of Madison Common Council unanimously approved the future cross section (i.e., public right of way dimensions) for Monroe Street, to include two travel lanes and two parking lanes that can convert to peak-hour travel lanes. With the cross section approved, the city is now moving forward with the final design of the roadway in preparation for sending the project out to bid in fall 2017.

October 27, 2016 - Edgewood College

Cross Section Open House
The City held the sixth meeting in the Monroe Street Reconstruction community engagement process. Staff presented about the outcomes of the Cross Section Workshop; results of City traffic modeling and analysis; and the final proposed cross section and design opportunities for Monroe Street.  The presentation and handout can be found here:

September 29, 2016 - Wingra School

Summer Input Review and Cross Section Workshop 
The City held a meeting to discuss the proposed street's cross section. A street’s “cross section” refers to how many feet of space are allocated within the public right-of-way for uses such as sidewalks, terraces, driving lanes, parking lanes, bike lanes, etc. The future cross section for Monroe Street must be determined before detailed design and engineering commences in 2017.  The presentation, handout & notes can be found here:  presentation

September 1, 2016 - HotelRED

Green Infrastructure World Cafe
The City of Madison held a public meeting to discuss Green Infrastructure opportunities for the reconstruction of Monroe St. The presentation and notes can be found here  green infrastructure presentation

August 11, 2016 - Edgewood College

Pedestrian, Bike, Transit Infrastructure World Cafe
The City of Madison held a public meeting to discuss the community's perspective on issues and opportunities related to pedestrian, bicycle, and transit infrastructure design on Monroe Street, including how these different uses will interact following reconstruction. The presentation can be found here: ped bike transit presentation
Notes from the meeting can be found here: notes

July 18, 2016 - HotelRED

Business Focus Group
City staff and representatives of the business community discussed the proposed reconstruction project. Notes from the meeting can be found here: business focus group notes

June 13, 2016 - Wingra School

The City of Madison held a Monroe Street Reconstruction Kickoff Meeting on June 13, 2016 from 7:00 -9:00 PM in the Wingra School Gymnasium (2nd floor).  The presentation can be found here:  presentation
Comments received by the City and other notes are included here:  Meeting notes
Please see the attached letter from Ald. Eskrich regarding more details on the reconstruction process. letter

May 11, 2016 - Hotel Red

The City of Madison hosted a public meeting on this project.  Presentations were made and followed by discussion on the following two topics: 
Proposed 2016 pedestrian crossing improvements along Monroe Street presentation
Presentation of upcoming planning and engagement process for the proposed 2018 Monroe Street Reconstruction Project presentation

If you have questions or concerns related to this project, you may contact Christy Bachmann at (608) 266-4095 or cbachmann@cityofmadison.com

July 9, 2014 - Edgewood College

The second listening session was held on Wednesday, July 9, 2014 at 6:30 PM in the Washburn Heritage Room at Edgewood College (Washburn Heritage Room is located in Regina Hall, #9 on the Edgewood Campus Map). City staff provided a brief presentation and recap of the first listening session, then broke out into small work groups to gather additional ideas and input on the following topics:

  1. Streetscape amenities
  2. Pedestrian crossings
  3. Crazy Legs triangle area.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014 Monroe Street Presentation

April 10, 2014 - Hotel Red

The City held a listening session to consider public input on the project. The meeting included representatives from City of Madison Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Planning and Metro Transit. City Staff provided a brief presentation, and then broke out into small work groups to discuss various topics. The meeting was held on Thursday, April 10, 2014 at 6:30 PM at Hotel Red, 1501 Monroe Street, Madison, WI 53711.

Engagement Resource Team

The City has implemented an engagement resource team composed of organizational and institutional stakeholders to help the City refine and implement a public engagement plan for the Monroe Street Reconstruction.

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