Prairie Hills Pond Dredging

July 2, 2024 Update

There was only a single bid on this project and was not opened.  This project will be rebid, but construction will be delayed. Stay tuned for more information. 

View past project updates »

Project Details

  • Location

    • Prairie Hills Ponds
      3147 Dorchester Way
      Madison, WI 53713
  • Project Type

  • Status

  • Estimated Schedule

  • Impact

  • Alder District

    District 7
  • Contract Number

Prairie Hills Ponds

Project Information

This project addresses short and long term sediment accumulation in the two existing wet retention ponds located at 3147 Dorchester Way.  

Project Overview

These ponds were designed and constructed in the late 1990's.  Since construction these ponds have required several maintenance dredges to remove accumulated sediment, in part due to snow sanding operations.

The wet retention ponds are required as part of the City of Madison’s water quality (MS4 permit) with the EPA/WDNR, which is required under the Clean Water Act. 

This project will include removing existing sediment, installing screen structures upstream to collect sediment prior to entering the wet retention pond.

This project will also include evaluating neighborhood requests for vegetation improvements.

Project Limits

The public stormwater outlot pond located at 3417 Dorchester Way.

Project Schedule

Planning, Design, Permitting: April 2024 - August 2024

Estimated Construction: August 2024 - October 2024

Public Involvement

There are a number of points of contact during this project where the public is encouraged to give feedback as part of public information meetings and public hearings. Dates, times and locations are indicated below:

Public Information Meetings

April 25, 2024 Public Information Meeting Recording

If you need an interpreter, translator, materials in alternate formats or other accommodations to access this service, activity or program, please call Sarah Lerner of the Engineering Division at 608-261-8592.

Si necesita un intérprete, un traductor, materiales en formatos alternativos u otros arreglospara acceder a este servicio, actividad o programa, comuníquese inmediatamente al número de teléfono que figura a continuación.

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City Process, Meetings

Common Council: 6/4/2024

Board of Public Works: 5/22/2024

Project Updates

There was only a single bid on this project and was not opened.  This project will be rebid, but construction will be delayed. Stay tuned for more information. 

Plans and specifications for this project are complete, and the project is currently being advertised for bidding.  Anticipated construction will start in August this year and be completed in October this year.

A public information meeting has been scheduled for 6 p.m., April 25, 2024, via Zoom. Registration is required prior.

April 25, 2024 Public Information Meeting Registration

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