Engineering Downtown Offices Closed to Public, Dec. 26 & 27, 2024.
Offices will be closed, however, City of Madison Engineering Division staff will be available by phone: 608-266-4751 and email: engineering@cityofmadison.com.
Robin Greenway and Orchard Drive Culvert
April 29, 2024 Update
Trees and shrubs will be installed this week at Robin Greenway. All plants are native woodland species including shagbark hickory (carya ovata), bitternut hickory (carya cordiformis), serviceberry (amelanchier arborea), ironwood (ostrya virginiana), bladdernut (staphlyea trifolia), buttonbush (cephalanthus occidentalis), and nannyberry (viburnum lentago).
Oaks are currently being treated for oak wilt. Additional oak plantings will be delayed until oak wilt is no longer present at the site.
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Project Information
Project Overview
The 2023 Capital Budget adopted a Finance Committee Amendment to fund design and construction for work on the Robin Greenway. This budget amendment includes design and construction to replace the culvert at Orchard Street. It also includes restoration work within the drainage way greenspace to address concerns related to erosion, slope stabilization, tree impacts, access, restoration and long term maintenance of this public property. The City recognizes that this space provides multiple benefits to the community as part of our storm infrastructure. The design process will incorporate public engagement to address community concerns related to tree health, access, vegetation while improving the environmental conditions to minimize erosion, address stormwater impacts and manage long-term vegetation goals. It is important to the City that this space is reflective of shared goals to manage urban ecosystems that serve multiple community and environmental benefits.
Staff met with neighborhood volunteers on July 11th to discuss and identify native and invasive species that the neighborhood could assist with removing. Several neighborhood members attended along with City staff and coordinated next steps for removing invasive species to enhance the woodland understory planting.
Phase One work included the construction of storm sewer improvements, vegetated path, and tree removals discussed at PIM 2 and at the site walk through with the neighborhood. This work is complete.
Phase Two is underway and includes installation of trees, shrubs, native seeding, and ecological restoration to restore native understory plants and establish new woodland plants.