Resources for the Madison Community
Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.
Rockstream Drive
Project Details
Project Information
Latest Update
10/5/2021 Update:
Construction is complete. Rockstream Drive and Ambleside Drive is open for vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians. Manchester Road and Fairhaven Drive are under construction by a private developer and will open in 2022.
Project Description
The new portion of the street will include sanitary sewer, storm sewer and multiple culverts crossing the storm water drainage area. The west side of Rockstream Drive will include a 10’ multi-use path and east side a 5’ sidewalk. Ambleside Drive will have sidewalk extend and connect to Rockstream Drive. The Chavez Elementary School driveways will be connected to Rockstream Drive. Rockstream Drive varies 32 feet – 38 feet and Ambleside is 32 feet from face of curb to face of curb and it will be built through the City competitive bidding process.
Manchester Road will extend to Rockstream Drive and Fairhaven Road will extend to Manchester Road. These street extensions will be constructed separately by a private developer in the summer of 2020 and not through the City competitive bidding process.
Project Limits
Rockstream Drive to Maple Grove Drive and Ambleside Drive to Rockstream Drive
Project Schedule
Stormwater Management Report: Approved
Design: Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall 2020
Bids Advertised: Nov. 5, 2020
Construction begins: March 22, 2021
Public Involvement
There are a number of points of contact during this project where the public is encouraged to give feedback as part of public information meetings and public hearings. Dates and times are indicated below:
Public Information Meetings
The City hosted a public information meeting on Jan. 29, 2020 at the Chavez Elementary School.
Jan. 29, 2020 Public Information Meeting PowerPoint Presentation
Project Fact Sheet
Public Mailings
9/25/20: Mail Estimated Assessments, Public Hearing Notice
City Process, Meetings
Board of Public Works: Oct. 7, 2020
Common Council: Oct. 20, 2020
Transportation Commission: Feb. 12, 2020