Meet Firefighter Steven Foulks

Steven Foulks

 graduated the MFD Fire Academy on November 6, 2015. We introduce them to you on the MFD Blog throughout December.

Current station assignment: Station 9 (Midvale Blvd.)

Why did you want to be a firefighter?
All of my life I've been involved in team sports, and working in the fire department is a lot like being on a sports team. I enjoy the camaraderie and the sense of family I have with my coworkers.

Why did you want to serve in the city of Madison?
Being born and raised in Madison, it is an honor to serve and give back to the community in which I grew up.

What has been the most rewarding part of your experience so far?
The most rewarding part of my experience so far is getting through the academy. During my 14 weeks I overcame obstacles and challenges both physically and mentally. From throwing ladders to taking tests, it was very rewarding to succeed. 

Looking back at the Fire Academy, what was the most challenging element?
The most challenging part of the academy was balancing the school work with being physically exhausted at the end of the day. Finding time to study and sleep during the week was a challenge. 

What advice would you give to someone hoping to join the MFD?
My advice for someone applying to MFD is never give up. If you don't get the job keep applying and keep going through the process. The more times you go through the process the better you will be at interviewing and passing the physical agility test. Persistence shows you really want the job.

This content is free for use with credit to the City of Madison Fire Department.

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