Meet Firefighter/EMT Josh Steadman

Firefighter/EMT Josh Steadman

Where are you stationed?
I started at Station 10 (Troy Drive) and now working at Station 2 (Grand Canyon Drive).

Why did you want to pursue this career?
There are a lot of reasons why firefighting is the career for me. I enjoy the tactical problem solving skills required and working to solve unique situations under pressure. The teamwork and trust required on the fire ground or in the med rig is matched only by a few professions outside of the military and law enforcement.  Finally, we get to help people. I pray every day I will never become calloused to the needs of those we serve, no matter how frustrating the situation may seem on the surface.

Tell us something you enjoy about the territory you serve.
I really enjoyed 10's territory. We got a good mix of EMS calls and fire calls. Having the ability to train and flow water behind the grocery store was great for a new person. The medics really took me under their wing and helped me learn the roads and routes to the hospitals.

What has been the most rewarding part of your experience so far?
Getting to know so many of my fellow firefighters, both my fellow recruits, among whom I am honored to be counted, and some of the great people I've met since graduation.

What advice would you give to someone hoping to join the MFD?
Get in shape physically. That is one challenge you have total control over prior to day one. In addition to that, be humble and listen more than you speak. If you make it to the academy, hold onto your tool!!!

Anything else you'd like to share?
I am not related to Assistant Chief Stedman.

This content is free for use with credit to the City of Madison Fire Department.

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