1. Resources for the Madison Community

    Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.

National Preparedness Month: Make a 'Go Kit'

Build a Kit cartoon graphic

Once you’re sure you can receive notifications, work on getting prepared. You can make small steps towards preparedness so don’t feel like everything has to be done at once! 

Make A Kit

An emergency kit or “go bag” has supplies you need to survive on your own for a few days. This is important in large disasters when there’s been a lot of damage that takes days to repair or to get access to you. 

We recommend that you have three days of supplies on hand. The basics are below, but you can find a full list at www.ready.gov/kit or download this printer-friendly checklist.

These items should be put in something that can be easily taken with you, like a tote or backpack:

  • Water: 1 gallon per person per day, so a total of 3 gallons per person for hydration and sanitation. 
  • Food: At least 3 days of non-perishable food. Remember, if power goes out, you may not be able to cook. Be sure to have food that doesn’t need heating. Also make sure you’re able to open whatever you have on hand. Don’t rely on an electric can opener.
  • Battery Powered Radio 
  • Flashlight
  • First Aid Kit 
  • Batteries 

While building your kit, consider your situation. Think about any medications, eye wear (glasses, contacts, contact solution), childcare supplies, and pet food and water. Consider including books, games, puzzles or other activities, especially if you have children. We’ll discuss this more in coming weeks! 

We have given you some basic tips, but you can find more on all of these topics at ready.gov

This content is free for use with credit to the City of Madison Fire Department.

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