National Preparedness Month: Flooding


Did you know it takes as little as six inches of water to sweep an adult off their feet? It only takes a foot of water to sweep your vehicle away!

It is easy to underestimate the danger of a flood, especially when you feel familiar with the affected area, but flooding can be a serious safety hazard.

There are several areas in Madison prone to flash flooding during significant storm events. Subscribe to flooding text alerts from the City of Madison. 

Today we share a few tips to keep you safe during a flood.

First of all, remember the phrase, “Turn around, don’t drown.” When you encounter standing water, it’s best to avoid it completely. Find another way to get to your destination or postpone travel altogether.

What should I do if my vehicle is stalled or stranded in water?

Stay in your vehicle if it is safe to do so. If water is rising above the windows, roll down your window and attempt to get to the roof of your vehicle. Call 911 if you need to be rescued.

If you are not in immediate danger, rescuers may instruct you to stay in your vehicle until water recedes and a tow truck can come recover your vehicle.

How can I protect my home from flooding?

Have your Go Kit ready in case you must leave immediately or if services are cut off.

Consider obtaining flood insurance, as many homeowners’ policies do not cover flooding. There are different types of flood insurance to consider, including the National Flood Insurance Program through FEMA. 

Protect your important documents by keeping them in a waterproof container and creating password-protected digital copies. Keep these and other valuable items to higher level of your home.

Declutter drains and gutters, install check valves, and consider a sump pump with a battery.

If your home is flooding, move to higher ground or a higher floor. Only call 911 if you are in immediate danger. If your home is flooded with rising waters on levels other than your basement, you should call 911 for rescue. 

Learn more about preparing for a flood

City workers and volunteers fill sandbags during the historic flood of 2018
In 2018, City workers and volunteers from throughout the community helped fill sandbags during a historic flood.

This content is free for use with credit to the City of Madison Fire Department.

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