Meet Prevention Officer Courtney Pettway
Tell us about what your role at the MFD.
I am a Code Enforcement Officer. My role is to go around to different buildings and make sure that they are all safe and compliant with all of Madison’s fire codes. We also assist the Public Information Officer with on-call incidents by coming out to fire scenes and helping people that may have lost everything in the fire.
One of my favorite parts of my job is going out to all the schools that I cover and seeing all the little kids. I appreciate that by being a woman and a minority I can be an inspiration for the little kids who look like me and show them they are capable of anything they set their mind to.
What was your career prior to MFD?
Before working for MFD, I worked for the City in parking enforcement. I really enjoyed my time there because when I moved to Madison I didn’t know where anything was, but this job helped me learn the community very well and get familiar with the area. This job toughens your skin and helps you learn how to hold your ground.
What are some skills or strengths you bring to the team?
A big strength of mine is that I am good leader and feel I can stand firm on my decisions in difficult situations. Another skill of mine is being able to see the picture from everyone’s perspective and knowing that not everyone has the same access to things in life and live very different lifestyles than others.
How do your friends describe you?
My friends describe me as the life of the party and very funny. I’m also very determined to do well. I have a big heart, am very passionate about helping people in need, and finding them opportunities to exceed.
This content is free for use with credit to the City of Madison Fire Department.