Meet Fire & EMS Program Analyst Dan Petty
Tell us about your role as a Fire & EMS Program Analyst.
As a Fire & EMS Program Analyst, my main responsibility is to support the department by collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data to help improve our services. A big part of my focus is working with the CARES program, assessing its impact, and telling its story through data.
MFD collects a lot of data across its various functions, and my role is to ensure we’re utilizing it effectively to make informed operational decisions.
What was your career prior to MFD?
Before coming to Madison, I held a very similar position with Tempe Fire Medical Rescue in Arizona. That role was my introduction to the fire service, and it opened my eyes to the impact an analyst can have on a department. I discovered it was much more rewarding to go to work when the motivation behind my daily tasks boiled down to simply “helping people help people.”
Why did you want to work for the Madison Fire Department?
I came across the job posting for this position almost by chance. The more I investigated the position and the department, the more impressed I became with the support the CARES program has within the community. The most rewarding work I did in Tempe involved a community health program, so working with CARES felt like a perfect way to continue that type of work. Plus, my wife and I had had enough of the Arizona heat, and Madison seemed like a great place to relocate to!
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