Meet Firefighter/EMT Jose Alvarez
Where are you stationed?
Fire Station 5 on Cottage Grove Road.
Why did you want to pursue this career?
I have always dreamed of being a firefighter but due to some circumstances out of my control, it wasn’t possible. As a registered DREAMer, some opportunities are just not a possibility. Life took me around and I chose a different path for a while. But fortunately, when I saw Madison was hiring, I immediately jumped at the opportunity in hopes of living a dream of mine. I consider America my country and I am proud to serve my community while fulfilling a longtime dream.
What do you like about your station and territory?
I am currently stationed at Station 5, which is on Cottage Grove Road. I really enjoy the large variety of calls that we get in this area and the diversity within the people we help. I love working with the crew, and it’s never a dull moment out there. Station 5 is also one of the older stations so there is a lot of history you are a part of.
Since graduating the Recruit Academy, what are among the most memorable experiences you've had?
During my short time on MFD, I have been fortunate enough to experience working at some fires. I remember my first fire at Station 2 on the west side. We were able to see the smoke from a distance and I remember feeling the amount of heat coming from it when we arrived. It was an amazing experience being able to be on the nozzle and on top of the aerial spraying water.
Another experience was at my current station, Fire Station 5. My crew and I were able to save 2 cats from a fire as well. It was rewarding seeing the relief and joy of the owner when they realized their pets were safe.
What are some professional goals you have for yourself?
I really just want to be the best firefighter I can be by taking any opportunity that comes my way, from training, going to paramedic school, or to even joining a special team. Hopefully by putting in hard work and some elbow grease, I’ll make it far. The sky is the limit if one really wants it to be.
What do you do when you're not working at MFD?
In my free time I enjoy working out, going for hikes and taking camping trips. I love spending time with my pets and taking them on adventures. I also enjoy spending time indoors watching a good comedy or even a "romcom" if it’s highly recommended. I also like learning new languages in my free time as well. I am currently taking courses to learn sign language, which I have been enjoying and will hopefully come in handy. I also enjoy working on the recruitment committee and at public events, trying to spread the word about MFD to other people and cultures, especially the younger generation.
This content is free for use with credit to the City of Madison Fire Department.