Station 8 Welcomes First Production-Model Electric Engine
Nearly four years ago, the Madison Fire Department became the first ever municipal fire department to welcome an electric fire engine to its fleet. The model welcomed in 2021 was a prototype on loan from Pierce Manufacturing in Appleton. Madison played a pivotal role as one of three departments in the country to participate in an extensive in-service testing period.
After testing out the prototype and working closely with Pierce to provide feedback based on our experiences, MFD welcomes the first production model Volterra Electric Pumper to Fire Station 8 on Lien Road. It was placed into service on Monday, February 17, 2025.
"Electric Engine 8" is designed to mirror the performance of traditional fire trucks while advancing sustainability standards within the fire service. It features a 1,500 gallons-per-minute single-stage pump and a 500-gallon water tank for full emergency response capabilities. It carries an assortment of fire and EMS equipment to support MFD's emergency response capabilities.
At the same time, the Volterra Electric Pumper provides zero-emissions operation while in EV mode and is powered by a 246 kWh-capacity battery. This means reduced firefighter exposure to diesel emissions, improving health and safety in the station and on scene. It also features quieter operations than traditional diesel engines, allowing for improved communication on emergency calls. It has the ability to seamlessly transition to an internal combustion engine during extended operations.
Crews at Station 8 welcome the production model Volterra and have already noted the new model's smoother and more efficient transmission, quieter over-the-road handling, and ample battery life, among other innovative features.
Fire Station 8 is located in the East Towne area of Madison and is one of the busiest fire stations in the City.
This content is free for use with credit to the City of Madison Fire Department.