Five People Taken to Hospitals with Gunshot Wounds
43.0735179, -89.3917377
Incident Details
Five people have been transported to the hospital by ambulance with gunshot wounds.
The Madison Fire Department was dispatched to 433 W. Johnson Street (the Lux Apartments) for reports of multiple gunshot victims. Seven ambulances, three engine companies, one ladder company, and Command Car 31 were dispatched, and EMS resources were deployed as law enforcement cleared the building and identified victims.
Four ambulances and two engine companies were ultimately brought into the scene to triage, treat, and transport patients.
Madison Fire and the Dane County Public Safety Communications Center (911) activated Base Hospital, a protocol in which first response agencies coordinate with local hospitals to ensure patients are taken to hospitals with the appropriate available resources based on patients’ medical needs.
In addition to the patients transported by ambulance, other injured victims reported to the hospital on their own. Some people on scene suffered minor injuries while attempting to run away from the scene but did not request EMS.
W. Johnson Street was closed temporarily during the incident. MFD cleared from the scene at 1:56 AM. Madison Police remains involved with the ongoing investigation.