Work Site Evacuated Wednesday for Natural Gas Leak

  • Location

    7100 block Mineral Point Road
    Madison, WI 53717
  • Incident Date

    Dispatch: Jun. 26, 2024 - 8:43am
    Arrival: Jun. 26, 2024 - 8:47am
  • Incident Type

    Gas Leak

43.0607453, -89.5053763

This map displays an approximate location.

Incident Details

Ladder 2 responded to 7102 Mineral Point Road for a natural gas leak reported by road construction crews on site. They indicated they struck a gas line while doing grading and paving work along Mineral Point Road. 

Firefighters heard gas rushing from the 2-inch pipeline and ordered all equipment within a 200-foot radius to be shut down. All workers were evacuated and asked to stay approximately 500 feet away from the source of the leak. 

Westbound Mineral Point Road was shut down at Gammon Road until MGE could respond to the scene to control the leak. It was noted that until MPD arrived on scene to block traffic with their squad car, many motorists ignored MFD orders and use of traffic barrels to shut down the road.

MGE arrived and clamped off the gas line to control the leak. With MGE on scene and the leak under control, firefighters cleared the scene.

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