Crews Rescue Person Pinned Underneath Boat Trailer

  • Location

    Spohn Avenue
    Madison, WI 53704
  • Incident Date

    Dispatch: Jul. 24, 2024 - 2:20pm
    Arrival: Jul. 24, 2024 - 2:25pm
  • Incident Type


43.1170491, -89.359532

This map displays an approximate location.

Incident Details

The Madison Fire Department was called to a north side residence, where witnesses reported a person run over by a boat trailer in a long-sloped driveway. 

Bystanders met Medic 10 on scene and directed paramedics to the patient. The patient was trapped under the rear end of the boat and trailer, which was later discovered to have either dragged or rolled the patient approximately 25-35 feet down the driveway before coming to a stop.

Ladder Co. 8 was dispatched to the scene to provide additional tools and personnel to help lift the trailer off of the patient. Meanwhile, Madison Police assisted MFD in pushing the trailer forward to take some pressure off of the patient.

Paramedics provided initial medical care while describing the rescue plan to the patient. Upon their arrival, Ladder 8 used an electric spreader to lift up the trailer. A paramedic climbed under the trailer to stabilize the patient, and the patient was then carefully pulled out from under the boat, secured, and brought into the ambulance. 

The patient was taken to the hospital with significant injuries.

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