Firefighters Contain Oil Spill on North Side
43.1112768, -89.3603296
Incident Details
Engine Co. 10 was called to 1115 O’Neill Avenue for a report of a semi tractor that suffered engine damage and an oil leak after striking a large rock. The driver reported backing the trailer into an alley dock when the collision occurred. The rock broke open the oil pan and caused oil to empty onto the street.
Firefighters noted several gallons of oil on the street and a puddle accumulating next to a storm water drain. Engine 10 placed an absorbent powder known as Oil Dry onto the puddle and created a berm in front of the drain. Medic 10 delivered three additional bags of Oil Dry to the scene.
No oil is believed to have entered the drain, and all oil was covered and absorbed by the powder.
The driver did not report any illnesses or injury to EMS.