Cooking Fire Damages Apartment, Displaces Occupants

  • Location

    0 block Waunona Woods Court
    Madison, WI 53713
  • Incident Date

    Dispatch: Mar. 6, 2025 - 6:08pm
    Arrival: Mar. 6, 2025 - 6:15pm
  • Incident Type


43.0487011, -89.341234

This map displays an approximate location.

Incident Details

Firefighters responded to an apartment at 4 Waunona Woods Court for a report of a stove top fire. Ladder Co. 14 found a heavy haze of smoke in one apartment unit, with the kitchen area visibly damaged.

An occupant stated he was heating up some oil on the stove and stepped away from the kitchen. Some time later, he heard the smoke alarm sounding and found fire from the pan all the way up to the kitchen hood vent. The occupant used a home fire extinguisher to knock down most of the fire before resorting to water to extinguish the rest.

Damage from the fire included various cabinets above the stove and significant smoke damage throughout the apartment. Nobody was injured.

Firefighters used fans to push smoke out of the apartment unit, and the American Red Cross was called to assist the occupants. 

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