East Gorham Closed for Structure Fire

  • Location

    900 block E. Gorham Street
    Madison, WI 53703
  • Incident Date

    Dispatch: Mar. 10, 2025 - 4:18pm
    Arrival: Mar. 10, 2025 - 4:22pm
    Controlled: Mar. 10, 2025 - 5:03pm
  • Incident Type


43.085132, -89.3770562

This map displays an approximate location.


East Gorham Street is back open after an apartment fire displaces five.

Fire units were dispatched to a working structure fire on the 900 block of E Gorham at 4:17 p.m. after receiving multiple calls to 911.   Upon arrival at 4:22 p.m. crews initially found fire in the rear of the structure with flames climbing from the second floor to the third floor. There was a fire attack on the second and third floor with crews trying to contain the fire. Madison Fire Department was able to achieve knockdown at 5:03 p.m.  

All five residents of the apartment were displaced.  Two of the displaced residents were students at UW.  The American Red Cross is providing assistance to the five displaced residents.  The University of Wisconsin is assisting with the displaced students.

The cause of the fire remains under investigation. 

Incident Details

East Gorham Street is closed N. Ingersoll and N. Paterson Streets for a structure fire.

Multiple 911 callers reported fire on the top floor of 908 E. Gorham Street with flames coming from the back of the building. Firefighters are on scene and still working to put out fire in the attic space. 

Madison Metro is notified of the road closure, and bus routes are being redirected.

This report will be updated as more information becomes available.

Fire on 900 Block of Gorham Street
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