Lighting Strike Forces Displacement of West Side Apartment Building

  • Location

    6400 block Modern Point Lane
    Madison, WI 53593
  • Incident Date

    Dispatch: Mar. 19, 2025 - 8:32am
    Arrival: Mar. 19, 2025 - 3:35am
  • Incident Type


43.0593752, -89.5508299

This map displays an approximate location.

Incident Details

Multiple witnesses called 911 around 8:30 Wednesday morning to report a lightning strike at 9411 Modern Point Lane. Firefighters at nearby Station 12 also witnessed a large lightning strike just prior to being dispatched to this location.

Upon arrival, firefighters confirmed flames on the roof of the building. Upon further investigation, they noted at least three areas where the lightning strike caused physical damage to the building, namely around the roof line, soffit, and siding. Firefighters also examined the inside of the building and confirmed there was no active fire inside. 

Several occupants were home at the time, but none were injured on account of the incident. One person was trapped in an elevator that shut down due to the subsequent electrical power outage. Firefighters rescued that individual without incident. 

There are 56 units in the apartment complex at 9411 Modern Point Lane; however, not all are occupied. Property managers are working closely with residents to find alternate accommodations until repairs can be made and electrical power can be safely restored. 

All occupants have renters insurance and are encouraged to notify their insurance company of the incident. 

Damage to siding and soffit near the roof of apartment building
apartment complex surrounded by fire trucks with aerial ladders extended to the roof
damage to roof and exterior ceiling of corner balcony
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