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Report Flooding Form
Report flooding and damage to private property or public lands in the City of Madison. City Engineering will use the information to improve the stormwater system to reduce flooding damage in the future.
Prepare Your Home For General Flooding
Find out what you can do to make your home more flood resilient.
Prepare Your Home for Lake Level Flooding
If you live on the Isthmus, or near a large body of water (lake, creek etc.) and were at risk of flooding in the Fall of 2018, find out what you can do to prepare for future lake level flooding.
Prevent Basement Flooding
The last thing any homeowner wants to do is waste money, especially when renovating and investing in a basement. However, if a homeowner doesn’t understand basement drainage, thousands of dollars could be lost because of water damage. On this page, learn easy ways to learn about how drainage works in relation to basements.
Understanding Flood Insurance
Find out why flood insurance is important, all the types, and what questions to ask to find out which type can best protect your property.
FEMA Floodplains
FEMA maps areas that are connected to water features (Starkweather Creek, Yahara Lakes etc.) that have a 1 percent chance of flooding each year, and a 0.2 percent chance of flooding each year. Find out if you live within a FEMA floodplain and how that could impact you.
Everyday Engineering Podcast
Check out the Engineering Division's Everyday Engineering Podcast, which features a number of flooding resource-focused episodes. From soil amendments, basement drainage, historic flooding, rain gardens and DIY projects to help your drainage around your home vs. creating issues.