About Us
Organizational Development is a division within Human Resources. We work with key stakeholders to increase organizational health and effectiveness. Our goal is to provide support to agencies and staff to help develop an organization that is; healthy, high-performing, self-renewing, and one that leads and manages change. We are made up of five full-time staff.
Our service areas include...
Developing and delivering a series of courses that move the organization closer to meeting long-term goals. We accomplish this through individual and organizational competency building.
Developing leaders at each level through differentiated, practical development. This development work is responsive to the intersection of people's identities (race, gender, sexuality, disability status).
Providing a framework and resources to reinforce best organizational practices. Areas of focus include; Change Management, Continuous Improvement, Strategic Planning and Performance Excellence.
Improving organizational effectiveness through agency consultations. We align collective skills, expertise, processes, and people to meet the HR and City of Madison Missions.
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