Change Management

  1. Before You Begin

    Reach out to Organizational Development at to receive copies of the following items to more easily apply the concepts you'll learn about in this resource to real-world experiences.

    • A copy of Jeffery M. Hiatt’s “Employee’s Survival Guide to Change” workbook (via Inter-D) - For City Employees Only! 
    • A digital copy of an ADKAR Change Evaluation Worksheet
  2. Introduction to ADKAR:

    The Change Management model that the City of Madison is utilizing is the ADKAR Model. ADKAR was developed in 2003 by Prosci, Inc and its founder, Jeff Hiatt. Through 25+ years of research in more than 700 organizations, it has proven to be a successful framework for the people side of change. ADKAR is action oriented, accessible and built on evidence-based practices.

    The five building blocks of change in the ADKAR model:

    ADKAR Model
  3. Access the Change Management Learning Resource

    Change Management Learning Resource

    Utilize this learning resource to become familiar with the ADKAR Model introduced above. Included is an overview of why you should care about Change Management, a case study, a checklist of short videos to watch, and some additional resource links to help you become a City of Madison change champion. 

  4. Additional Change Management Resources

    Change Management ADKAR Strategies

    This resource is intended to support folks in understanding strategies to move individuals through the journey of change. A prerequisite for using this resource includes understanding ADKAR to complete an assessment of the individual, team, or organizational barrier point. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to

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