Stress Management

Upcoming Dates

There are no upcoming course dates.

Course Description

Every human throughout their lifespan has developed certain coping mechanisms that have gotten them through difficult times and assisted them in overcoming adversity. At times these strategies may not be as effective so our intention with this course is to explore a variety of ways that folks may use to their benefit. With this goal in mind, the content explored in this course will offer insight on ways in which we can cope with adversity or our typical stressors personally and professionally.

Presented by: Brooke Villella and Tineisha Scott - Employee Assistance Program

Learning Objectives

  1. Assisting participants in identifying current stressors whether these have overt or covert impact.
  2. Identifying evidence of impact of stress on each individual to increase understanding of their signs of high distress.
  3. Exploring and practicing various coping strategies to expand their toolbox.

Note: Because this course is interactive, we request that you join from a computer or smart device. This course incorporates break-out sessions and we encourage your full participation in the virtual space.

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