Supervisor Development

Learning + Development for Supervisors

Other Learning + Development Resources

Learning + Development for Your Staff

While employees are responsible for their own development, supervisors have a great impact. To make an impact, nurture and support on-the-job learning through the following:

  • Watch and track your staff's development through regular 1:1 discussion.
  • Suggest opportunities and approve development requests.
  • Arrange for coverage and support in managing your staff's workload while they’re away.

Resources for Staff Learning + Development

  • Upcoming Courses - Bookmark this page and check it often—new offerings are added regularly.
  • New Employee Onboarding - Help new hires understand their role and expectations and make connections. Make a plan for their learning and development.
  • Leadership Development  - These leadership courses and programs are not restricted to supervisors and managers, but can develop leaders at all levels.
  • Individual Development Plan (IDP) - A workbook for employees to reflect, plan, and discuss their professional goals. Your staff might bring their plan to you and ask for feedback and guidance.
  • Cross-Departmental Initiatives Inventory - Initiatives are an opportunity to grow leadership and other skills while working toward citywide goals.

Training Policies and Procedures

APM 2-10 outlines the official policies, practices and administrative procedures that relate to training and development activities for employees of the City of Madison.

View APM 2-10: Policies and Procedures for Internal and External Training for more information.

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