1. Resources for the Madison Community

    Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.

Seniors and people with disabilities

Snow Removal Extensions

If you need more time to shovel due to age or disability, we can add your address to the snow extension list. The extension gives you an extra 72 hours to clear snow. Homes must be single-family and owner-occupied.

To add your home to the list, please call Building Inspection at 608-266-4551 and provide your address.

Shoveling Assistance

The City of Madison does not clear private sidewalks. Community organizations may be able to coordinate shoveling assistance:

  • Call 211 or search 211 online to find free or low-cost services. For service type, enter "Residential snow shoveling".
  • NewBridge Madison has a limited number of volunteers to help older adults.

The earlier in the year that you call, the easier it will be to find services.

Report a snow problem

Please let us know if a street, sidewalk, or other path is covered in snow or ice.

You can also call Building Inspection at 608-266-4551.

Clearing of Wheelchair Ramps

We start with the Isthmus Pedestrian Corridor and the school and disabled crosswalk list. Eight crews work for three consecutive nights to remove snow from crosswalks. Crews continue through the regular workday as well. When there's a storm, we clear City-owned sidewalks and the school and disabled crosswalks during regular business hours.

Crosswalk snow removal continues until crews check the entire City. This process takes 3-4 weeks to complete. 

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