Fare Cap Pricing

Hand holding a Fast Fare card
Sign up for Fast Fare!

What is Fare Cap Pricing?

  • When an adult rider taps their Fast Fare card on the bus, the system charges a single ride fare of $2. 
  • The same adult continues to ride and taps every time they board.
  • Once the system reads that this card hit the daily “cap” price of $5, it will no longer charge them for the rest of the day.
  • That same rider then continues to ride through the week and tap every time they board. When the system reads that the rider reaches the weekly cap of $16.25, rides will be free for the rest of the week.  
  • The most a regular adult fare will be on any day is $5, the most in any week is $16.25, and the most in a month is $65.00.
Adult Fare Cap Pricing
Single ride$2.00

What About Reduced Fares?

Metro offers one set of reduced pricing caps for youth, seniors, those with disabilities, and those with low income.  

Learn More

Reduced Fare Pricing
Single ride$1.00

These accounts and fare capping will work the same as any other rider, just with a lower cost per tap.

How Do Transfers Work?

There is a 2-hour transfer window.

Tap your card every time you ride. Transfers will be automatically tracked. Your account will only be charged after your 2-hour transfer has expired. 


Call (608) 266-4466 or email mymetrobus@cityofmadison.com.

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