Get Your Fast Fare!

Metro riders can now pick up a Fast Fare card at a number of community distribution events.
The new cards are reloadable, reusable and so easy to use!
- Set up your new online account and pick up your card. (How to set up account)
- Load value on your account. Connect a credit card, or convert cash on your card at a ticket vending machine at BRT stations, new sales outlet or Metro Transit Administration.
- Trade in your old fare items and get their value loaded into your account.
Tap your card every time you ride and get discounts along the way. No need to get a new pass or 10-ride card each month!
Fast Fares are required when boarding at BRT stations. Vending machines for single tickets and daily passes are available on station platforms, as well. Old fare items, like 10-ride cards, will still be accepted when boarding at standard local bus stops for a limited time.