Station Ticket Machines

Located at Most BRT Stations
Help keep the bus moving by paying for your fare ahead of time!
If you need to use cash when boarding at a BRT station, buy a single adult ticket or day pass using new automatic ticket machines.
Ticket machines are located on most BRT platforms.
Machine Features
- Accepts cash, tap and chip credit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay and coin
- Purchase adult single-ride tickets or adult 1-day pass
- Braille information is available on the machine
- Provides audible directions using navigation pad located on the bottom left of machine
- Audible and text onscreen directions available in English and Spanish
Top Off Your Fast Fare Card
You can also add value to your Fast Fare card or read your current balance.
Please Keep in Mind
- Machine only sells adult tickets and day passes (Pick up Fast Fare card if eligible for half price fare)
- Insert bills in any direction
- Machine doesn't give change
- Accepts $1, $5, $10 and $20 bills
- Pennies not accepted
- Cash not accepted directly on the bus
Call (608) 266-4466 or email mymetrobus@cityofmadison.com.