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Bike Racks

All Metro buses are equipped with bike racks.
When boarding at BRT stations, roll your bike on the back of the bus. a
When boarding Metro's standard buses, bikes must be placed on outside racks on the front of the bus.
- Bikes are not allowed inside Metro's standard-size buses.
- Fat tires do not fit on the rack.
- For everyone's safety, any bike over 55 lbs. is not allowed on the outside bike rack.
- Overloading outside racks can cause heavy bicycles to tilt or even fall.
Boarding at BRT Stations
- Board at rear doors. Roll your bike on station platforms and on to the bus. Look for bicycle image on platform floor to see where to wait.
- Place bike in one of the racks on either side of aisle.
- Secure your bike. Use black Velcro straps on the window. The shorter strap is for the closest bike to the window. The longer strap is for bikes further away.
- We suggest standing by your bike when riding.
Boarding at Standard Stops
Waiting to Board
- As the bus approaches have your bike ready to load
- Remove any items that could fall off (bike pump, water bottle, etc).
- Always approach the bus from the curb side.
- Tell the bus driver that you are loading a bike.
Electric Buses
In certain areas, electric 60-foot buses may pick you up at a standard stop.
- Enter at the rear door.
- Lift your bike to enter/exit bus.
Standard Buses
Use Bike Rack at Front of Bus
- Squeeze handle and pull down to release folded bike rack.
- Lift bike onto the rack, putting the front and rear wheels in the marked slots.
Load the rack nearest the bus first. - Raise the support arm, as far up on the wheel as you can.
Make sure it is resting on your front tire, not on the fender or frame.
Unloading Your Bike
- Tell the driver you need to unload your bike.
- Move the support arm down and lift out your bike.
- Please fold up the rack if it is empty.
Rules of the Rack
- For safety reasons, the driver cannot get off the bus to assist you.
- Bike racks are first come, first served. Each standard size bus can carry two bikes.
- The front wheel of the bike closest to the bus should face curbside. The front wheel of the second bicycle must face the bus driver's side.
- There is no additional fare for using the bike rack.
- Children 10 and younger must be accompanied by an adult to load and unload bikes.
- Bikes are not allowed inside standard size buses.
- Any bike weighing over 55 lbs. are not allowed on Metro's bike racks.
More Information
Call (608) 266-4466 or email mymetrobus@cityofmadison.com.