What are Queue Jumps?
Queue jumps are special traffic signals that allow buses to get a head start into traffic and avoid merging into long lines of vehicles waiting at an intersection. By using this special signal to 'jump' ahead of the traffic, bus drivers are able to more quickly and safely merge into traffic.
These signals will keep buses moving efficiently down the Rapid Route A line. Without them, once the traffic light turns green, the bus would often have to wait for traffic to clear before pulling away from the station.
If you are not a bus driver, just ignore these signals!
All other traffic can ignore these signals, as they are only for buses. They are placed over the bus lane, for the bus driver to watch. The white line will either be horizontal or vertical.
[Red traffic light] [White horizontal line] – This means everyone is stopped at the intersection.
[Red traffic light] [White vertical line] – Buses may go, but all other traffic stays stopped.
[Green traffic light] [White horizontal line] – All traffic may go, buses must merge into the regular flow of traffic.