Nautilus Point Park

Located on the northeast corner of Nautilus Drive and Mineral Point Road, Nautilus Point Park is a mini park owned by the City of Madison Parks Division. The park features a small playground, though the majority of the 4.83-acre parkland property is passive open space, primarily for stormwater management. 

The BRT project would widen the existing shared-use path on the north side of Mineral Point Road. Construction-related activities would require an 0.11-acre temporary easement on the property. There are no anticipated permanent adverse physical impacts, nor is there interference with the protected activities, features, or attributes of the property on either a temporary or permanent basis.

Access to the playground via Nautilus Drive would remain during construction.

Nautilus Point Park map

Give Input

To share your comments on these proposed changes, please send an email with “Parks” or “Historic Resources” in the subject line to by Sunday, November 14, 2021.

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Bus Rapid Transit and the Network Redesign are part of MetroForward, Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway's plan to make a major investment in transit to speed up workforce transportation, reduce congestion, and build the transportation backbone of a vibrant regional economy.