How to Ride BRT

Featuring larger electric buses, improved ways to pay your fare, real-time signage and more, see how easy it is to board at Metro's new BRT stations.
Center Running Stations
Most of Metro’s new BRT stations are located in the center of the street.
To get to the station, press the walk button. Wait for the walk sign and audible signal that it’s safe to cross to the station.
New crosswalks are wide and traffic signal lights are timed so that you’ll have plenty of time to get to the station area.
To start, Metro Rapid Route A, B and F will board at these stations. .
Arrival Time Signs
Check your buses arrival times at electronic signs located at each station. Press the button beneath the sign to hear an audible announcement of this information.
You can also continue to track your bus on your device like you do now at mymetrobus.com or other third-party apps.
Ticket Machines on Platforms
Metro has a brand-new fare system that makes it easier than ever before to pay and ride. Before your bus arrives, have your new smartcard fare ready to go. Buses do not accept cash while boarding on BRT platforms.
If you need to pay with cash, buy a ticket or one-day pass at the ticket machine located on most BRT platforms.
Waiting For Your Bus
When you have your fare ready, wait for your bus safely away from the edge of the platform. Make sure to stay behind the painted raised warning bumps on either side of the station.
During the winter, stay warm by pressing the station heater button located on the middle column of the platform.
Stand Back When Bus Arrives
When your bus arrives, stand back and let it come to a complete stop. Look for the route letter and destination information on the headsign.
When the doors open, the bus will also audibly announce its route letter and destination.
Make sure you’re boarding the correct branch such as A1 or A2 to ensure your bus is heading to your desired destination.
There are doors on both sides of the bus. At most BRT stations, you’ll only board using the middle and rear doors. At some locations, you’ll be able to board using the front, middle and rear doors.
Wayfinding tiles are located on the ground to guide those with visual impairments to the door.
Watch Your Step When Boarding
One of the great features of BRT stations is level boarding. BRT platforms are raised off the street so that you can enter the bus without stepping up. When the bus is ready to board a small ramp will deploy across the short gap between the station and bus.
Please be aware that a ramp isn’t available at the front door of the bus and there will be a small gap to cross.
Tap Your Fast Fare
When you enter the bus, present your FastFare card, smartphone fare, or bar code ticket that you purchased at the BRT station.
Readers are available at every door. Hold your paper barcode ticket or phone screen to the top of the screen. Smart cards should be tapped at the bottom.
Once you pay your fare, please move away from the doors so that others can easily board.
Boarding with Wheelchairs
Wheelchair users should board using the middle doors for easiest access to the two securement areas.
Look for images on the ground to show you where the middle door will line up on the platform.
Two wheelchair securement areas are located in the front of the bus.
The first area faces forward and is similar to the securement area on Metro’s current buses. Flip up the seat, and a driver will help secure your device.
The second area features a new automatic system that will allow you to secure your device yourself.
Flip up the seat and back into this second area. Press the button, and the system will automatically secure your device into place.
If you’d like, there is shoulder strap that you can fasten yourself or ask your driver for help.
When you near your destination, press the yellow touch strip to signal the driver you’re about to reach your stop.
When the bus has safely stopped, your driver will release your device.
Please then exit the bus through the middle doors.
Boarding with Bikes
On BRT vehicles, all bike racks are located inside the back of the bus. If you’re traveling with a bike, board at the rear door.
Look for images on the ground to show you where the rear of the bus will line up on the platform.
Track Your Bus Along the Route
As you’re traveling, listen for audible announcements to help you track where you are along the route.
Signal the Driver You Wish to Stop
You'll still need to signal your driver that you wish to disembark at the next station.
Pull the yellow cord or press signal buttons and touch strips when you’ve reached your stop.
More Information
To see additional features of Metro's new bus rapid transit system, check out some short videos at the link below.
If you have any additional questions, call (608) 266-4466 or email mymetrobus@cityofmadison.com.